More than twenty agricultural practitioners across eleven Caribbean countries have concluded a two-week study tour to Japan. The study tour, supported by the United Nations Development Programme’s Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership (UNDP J-CCCP), held a primary focus of transferring knowledge and applicable technologies from Japan to the Caribbean.
The government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines recently achieved a major milestone in its implementation of CariSECURE, a regional project that seeks to improve how governments develop and implement youth violence and crime reduction policy-making through the use of quality, comparable and reliable data.
A.C.T. Now Saint Lucia is the rallying cry of an awareness campaign on climate change adaptation, screened on Monday March 26th. A.C.T. is an acronym for “Adapt, Change behaviour, Take action”. The campaign calls on citizens to take personal responsibility for reducing the vulnerability of their families and communities to the impacts of climate change, by taking prescribed actions. It advocates the urgent need to undergird climate change adaptation efforts with a culture of good governance at the individual, household and community levels.
High level representatives from the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) conducted site visits to the Princess Margaret Hospital, the Woodbridge Bay Port, the Dublanc Health Center and a home in Colihaut to examine the progress of roofing repairs.
Ms. Taylor further shared that the new system provides the school with the opportunity to plant vegetables throughout the year, where they have previously only planted during the first academic term. The irrigation system also allows them to plant fifty percent more than they have in the past, an activity in which 245 students are involved. It helps the school to be self-sufficient and provides an opportunity for practical student learning, she said.
Six months after two of the most powerful hurricanes recorded over the Atlantic wreaked havoc in the Caribbean, women and men in island countries like Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, British Virgin Islands and St. Maarten are working around the clock to build back better, with another hurricane season only four months away. In the immediate hurricane aftermath, governments requested the UN Development Programme (UNDP)’s technical support to recover, while boosting climate resilience.
Daniel Fligelstone Davies witnessed the roof of his neighbor’s home being ripped off and rescued them from their destroyed home. Louvina Williams' home was 'totaled' and, Jermaine Wharton was made unemployed. Read how these three BVI residents are re-building after two major hurricanes, with UNDP support.

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