A new leadership project is launching in Samoa on Wednesday, April 4th, aiming to build on advances in gender equality.
Approximately 400 representatives from villages and community organisations in Samoa, participated in the ‘Call for Proposals’ Workshops’ by the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP). The UNDP GEF-SGP Sub Regional team, together with the National Steering Committee (NSC) and Technical Advisory Group (TAG), facilitated the Upolu workshop on Tuesday 09th April 2018, and the Savaii workshop on Thursday 12th April 2018.
The village wharf at Faleū had survived through many natural disasters and extreme weather events. In the past five years alone, the wharf got damaged from the 2009 tsunami and then, from Cyclone Evan in 2012, to the point that it became non-operational, isolating their population for the last five years.
The Women’s Committee at Siumu are serious about conserving their environment and surrounding. It is for this reason that they have completed the first of its two-phase USD10,000 project funded by UNDP GEF-Small Grants Programme, which is in line with the United Nations SDG14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
On Wednesday 7th of February, an Education for Sustainable Development workshop was held on Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
The Komiti a Tina Tulivae of Samatau had every reason to be proud of their concerted efforts to implement their organic farming project in partnership with the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. With the financial grant received from the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP), the President of the Women’s Committee Ms. Aumua Karolaine Taulealo Ane humbly expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the GEF-SGP for the grant received to implement their agro-ecology project. She proudly added that they have managed to sell their first harvest of cabbages, lettuce, and tomatoes to the neighboring village of Manono.

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