To reduce the environmental impact of excessive energy use and to promote a switch to cleaner energy in public sector, the Government of Sweden is allocating 4 million euro for the continuation of the “Green Economic Development” project implemented by UNDP.
More than 30 young people from throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina participate in the hackathon during which software solutions for real problems faced by local companies in agriculture, tourism and metal industry will be developed.
Click here to see the list of all open public calls
The MEG project supports local governments in improving the quality and availability of public services and utility infrastructure in local self-government units.
The conference presented the results achieved in the Birač region for the past 16 years, primarily thanks to funding by the Government of the Netherlands.
Government of Sweden finances projects for empowerment of women in politics and support to Sustainable Development Goals roll-out ...

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GNI per capita in PPP terms

Ranking 81

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