Makoma Lekalakala and Liz McDaid won the Goldman Environmental Prize for stopping a secret nuclear deal with Russia. Veronique Mistiaen reports

NHS campaigner Jo Land explains why she is resisting changes through the courts – and why the problem is global.

Alessio Perrone meets the activists fighting to shine light on human rights abuses during Egypt’s dark days.

A global social movement is rising. It is open, participatory and public, writes Jamie Kelsey-Fry.

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Latest issue

April 2018, Issue 511

Big story

Also this issue …

  • Cyber-humanitarians
  • Give up on multilateralism?
  • Portraits of three Syrian cities
  • When the drugs don’t work
  • The other side of the Bitcoin

Latest from New Internationalist

United Nations
Strikes by the US Air Force over Syria.
The leaders of Russia and Hungary, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán
A protest in support of strike staff
humanitarian drones
Portraits of three Syrian cities: Huossen Hamod’s daughter looks out from a fifth floor balcony onto their decimated neighbourhood of Ansari al-Sharki, Aleppo
Opposition candidate Fabricio Alvarado from the National Restoration Party. Photo: Gustavo Fuchs

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