Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Just in Time for the New Cold War, New Nuclear Weapons!

John LaForge provides a field guide to the US’s nuclear arsenal. A Writer Who Shook the World: P. Sainath on John Reed and the Russian Revolution. Who’s Afraid of AMLO: Mexico’s Big Elections by Kent Paterson; The President and the Porn Star by Ruth Fowler; The FBI at Work by Paul Krassner; Back to Trickle-Down Economics by Pete Dolack; The Working Poor by Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark; 1968: the Year of Youth by Laura Carlsen; Badge of Impunity by Jeffrey St. Clair; MSNBC’s Progressive Bot-ulism by Chris Floyd; Appalachia, Say You Will by Lee Ballinger; Through the Eyes of Steven Soderbergh by Ed Leer

Ruling Class Operatives Say the Darndest Things: On Devils Known and Not

Comey is rightly offended by a president who “treats women like they’re pieces of meat.”  How does he feel about presidents who turn millions of women, girls, boys, and men into corpses, cripples, and refugees in the endless pursuit of U.S. global dominance – this while serving the corporate and financial oligarchy at home, also sold as “freedom” and “democracy”? More

The Great Game Comes to Syria

An unusual triple alliance is emerging from the Syrian war, one that could alter the balance of power in the Middle East, unhinge the NATO alliance, and complicate the Trump administration’s designs on Iran. It might also lead to yet another double cross of one of the region’s largest ethnic groups, the Kurds. More

Roaming Charges: Mother of War

Understandably, George HW Bush spent much of his time far away from Barbara Bush’s icy boudoir, indulging in a discreet fling or two while earning his stripes as a master of the empire, leaving juvenile George to cower under the unstinting commands of his cruel mother, who his younger brother Jeb dubbed “the Enforcer.” This woman’s veins pulse with glacial melt. According to Neil Bush, his mother was devoted to corporal punishment and would “slap around” the Bush children. She was known in the family as “the one who instills fear.” She still does…with a global reach. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Jeffrey St. Clair & Joshua Frank
  • TOPICS: Trump, Russiagate, Syria and more.

Blue Heart – Trailer (2018)
