Philipp Bückle ~ Paintings

For a while, it seemed that Dortmund’s Philipp Bückle might complete his trilogy early.  The first two entries in the series, Sketches and Drawings, were released in 2015, and were the first recordings under his own name.  But it does take longer to complete

Philipp Bückle ~ Paintings

For a while, it seemed that Dortmund’s Philipp Bückle might complete his trilogy early.  The first two entries in the series, Sketches and Drawings, were released in 2015, and were the first recordings under his own name.  But it does take longer to complete

Stefano Guzzetti ~ Short Stories. Piano Book Volume Two.

We like short stories.  We also like pianos, the color blue, origami vessels, and the fact that Stefano Guzzetti has dedicated this album to his sister Francesca, “a tiny paper ship.”  Over the past half decade, the artist has issued a series

Stefano Guzzetti ~ Short Stories. Piano Book Volume Two.

We like short stories.  We also like pianos, the color blue, origami vessels, and the fact that Stefano Guzzetti has dedicated this album to his sister Francesca, “a tiny paper ship.”  Over the past half decade, the artist has issued a series

Luton ~ Black Box Animals

The vantage points may change, but the views are the same: the inside looking out.  The cover portrays the mouth of a cave; the video, a train and tunnel.  As one gazes at the great expanse, one thinks of a

Luton ~ Black Box Animals

The vantage points may change, but the views are the same: the inside looking out.  The cover portrays the mouth of a cave; the video, a train and tunnel.  As one gazes at the great expanse, one thinks of a

36 ~ Circuit Bloom

36 returns to the tape format after seven long years. Circuit Bloom‘s piano-based tape loops summon feelings of emptiness, loneliness and escape, of someone struggling and trying to accept their true self. It looks at the world through an outsider’s

36 ~ Circuit Bloom

36 returns to the tape format after seven long years. Circuit Bloom‘s piano-based tape loops summon feelings of emptiness, loneliness and escape, of someone struggling and trying to accept their true self. It looks at the world through an outsider’s

Simon Šerc ~ Bora Scura

Since everyone has wind, one would expect to hear an overload of quality wind recordings.  Yet the opposite is true.  Simon Šerc‘s Bora Scura joins an extremely elite group, led by Lawrence English’s Viento and Daniel Menche’s Wind.  Meteorologists, take note. Yet while everyone has

Simon Šerc ~ Bora Scura

Since everyone has wind, one would expect to hear an overload of quality wind recordings.  Yet the opposite is true.  Simon Šerc‘s Bora Scura joins an extremely elite group, led by Lawrence English’s Viento and Daniel Menche’s Wind.  Meteorologists, take note. Yet while everyone has

Paul Nataraj ~ You Sound Like a Broken Record

This is one of the coolest projects we’ve encountered all year.  Seeing these slices of vinyl makes us feel jealous, wistful and humble.  This PhD project has already been displayed at an art center in Glasgow and a symposium in

Paul Nataraj ~ You Sound Like a Broken Record

This is one of the coolest projects we’ve encountered all year.  Seeing these slices of vinyl makes us feel jealous, wistful and humble.  This PhD project has already been displayed at an art center in Glasgow and a symposium in

Ebauche ~ Mutable

Mutable is an album with multiple selling points, many apparent before the drop of the needle.  Start with the gorgeous cover art, reminiscent of tree trunks and vinyl. Add Adrianna Snochowska’s oil paintings, one for each of the album tracks.  The icing

Ebauche ~ Mutable

Mutable is an album with multiple selling points, many apparent before the drop of the needle.  Start with the gorgeous cover art, reminiscent of tree trunks and vinyl. Add Adrianna Snochowska’s oil paintings, one for each of the album tracks.  The icing