ISM Palestine latest news

  • Interview: ISM speaks to Hakima Motlaq about a recent soldier and settler attack on the village of Asira - 26th August 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, interview by Mariana | Asira al-Qibliya, occupied Palestine Asira al-Qibliya is a village near Nablus that has been terrorised by the illegal Ytzhar settlement since 1982. In any moment of the day or night, settlers can arrive in the village and make violent incursions against the people or damage ...
  • Call to action: Olive Harvest 2018 – Join ISM now! - International Solidarity Movement | Ramallah, occupied Palestine Tthe International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is issuing an urgent call for volunteers to join us for the 2018 Olive Harvest Campaign at the invitation of Palestinian communities. The olive tree is a national symbol for Palestinians. As thousands of olive trees have been bulldozed, uprooted and burned by Israeli settlers ...
  • A statement from the Norwegian ISM volunteer targeted and shot by an Israeli soldier in Kafr Qaddum, video included - 18th August 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Kafr Qaddum, occupied Palestine     A description of the events of Saturday, 18th of August, from the Norwegian ISM volunteer targeted and shot by a soldier in Kafr Qaddum I, Kristin Foss (43) work as a volunteer for ISM (International Solidarity Movement). ISM is a ...
  • VIDEO: ISM Volunteers in Al-Khalil forced to show their passports during protest in Al Khalil - 17th August 2018 |  International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine After Friday prayers at around 2pm, Palestinians gathered in front of checkpoint 56 to protest against the military occupation. Around 4o soldiers and border police officers entered H1, the Palestinian controlled part of the city, where they shot excessive amounts tear gas and ...
  • Diary entry from an ISM volunteer. Northern Jordan Valley. - 13th August 2018 | Kristin Foss, International Solidarity Movement | Northern Jordan Valley I lost my flight.. On purpose.. I was pretty sure I would though, when I left for Palestine. To be honest, I don’t think its gonne make it easier to leave later. The more I know, the more people I know – the more involved ...
  • Friday demonstration violently repressed in Hebron - 11th August 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine   Yesterday, on the 10th of August, the Friday demonstration in the city of Hebron (Al-Khalil) was violently repressed by Israeli forces. Unarmed protestors gathered after Friday prayers, around 13:30, to protest against the occupation and in solidarity with Gaza. During the ...
  • Video: Activists stand in solidarity with Gaza, are arrested by Israeli military and police - 3rd August 2018 | Close to the Gaza fence Israeli and international protesters demonstrated at Gaza fence in solidarity with The Great Return March On Friday August 3rd, “Return”, a group of Israeli and international anti-Zionist activists, including activists from the International Solidarity movement, protested on the east side of the Gaza fence in solidarity with ...
  • Palestinians demonstrate for Israel to return the dead bodies of their sons, husbands and fathers - 27th July | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Deir Abu Mash’al Palestinians demonstrate for Israel to return the dead bodies of their sons, husbands and fathers     Some 300 Palestinans from the West Bank (including occupied East-Jerusalem) gathered today in Deir Abu Mash’al to protest Israels practice of withholding the bodies of dead ...
  • Experiencing arrest in Khan al-Ahmar, threatened by demolition by Israeli forces - 26th July 2018 | Steve Dhiman, International Solidarity Movement | Khan al-Ahmar, occupied Palestine An ISM volunteer describes his experience of being arrested and almost deported by Israeli forces   On Wednesday, the 4th of July, I began training with the International Solidarity Movement, an organization where Palestinians and Israelis, Jewish people and Muslims work ...
  • Israeli and international protesters demonstrated at Gaza fence in solidarity with The Great Return March - 20th July 2018 | Close to the Gaza fence Israeli and international protesters demonstrated at Gaza fence in solidarity with The Great Return March On the 20th of July, Friday afternoon, a group of anti-zionist Israeli and international solidarity activists approached the Gaza siege fence at the same time that Gazans gathered by the fence on ...