Current affairs

3CR Film Fundraiser

Bring your friends for a movie night out at 3CR’s screening of the new political comedy ‘Pride’ on Thursday 6 November. Set in the Margaret Thatcher’s England in the summer of 84, ‘Pride’ is the story of how a London-based group of gay and lesbian activists join forces with the National Union of Mineworkers to raise money to support the strikers' families. 

Assange Live Forum

Come along to a conversation about political power: What is it? Who has it? And who wants it? On Thursday 8 August at 7pm, 3CR programmers; Bill Deller (Solidairty Breakfast), Diana Beaumont (Stick Together) and Sam Castro (Dirt Radio) will be joined by Wikileaks' Julian Assange, you can access a live link to the event here.

Stolenwealth Games

Help 3CR send a team of broadcasters to the Stolenwealth Games Protest April 4 - 15 2018, Queensland. We have 30 Limited Edition ‘Divine Intervention’ prints signed by Robbie Thorpe and Tom Civil. The “Divine Intervention” fire crest was a collaboration between Robbie Thorpe and Tom Civil in 2006 in the lead up to the  Melbourne Commonwealth (Stolenwealth) Games, and the Queen's visit. The crest symbolises the acknowledgement of Indigenous Law in Australia. Lightening strikes, igniting Indigenous Law represented by fire amongst the wattle branches, and in turn freeing the kangaroo and emu from their place in the 'Australian Coat of Arms'. The kangaroo and the emu then warm themselves by the fire. We are selling these limited edition screen prints for $100. We also have T-shirts $25 and tote bags for $20 each. So come down to the station during business hours and get some beautiful art and support an important project.

Eureka Flag

The Turnbull Government’s building industry attack dog has issued new Building Code rules that specifically ban the Eureka Flag from being displayed on a building site. In addition to banning the flag they have also banned putting stickers on hard hats. If an employer breaches the Code, they are ineligible to compete for Government work. Our station affiliate the CFMEU (Building Union Division) has launched a campaign to Break the Ban on flying the Eureka Flag. You can pick up free Break the Ban campaign stickers from 3CR office at 21 Smith Street Fitzroy during business hours. Listen to Concrete Gang to hear the latest updates on the campaign here

Artwork by Josh McPhee
Monday 10:00pm to 11:00pm
Voice of the Palestinian diaspora; bringing news, views, and stories about the Palestinian refugees in Australia, and around the world in Arabic language. The show, which means in English [I Am From There] also highlights the beauty and richness of the Palestinian / Arab music, literature and culture, and is produced by a team of three Palestinian refugees.
International Women's Day 2018

On Thursday 8 March join 3CR in celebrating International Women’s Day 2018. Tune in from midnight Wednesday until midnight Thursday 8 March to hear 24 hours of women and gender diverse voices, talkback, music, current affairs, union news, community languages and much more. Check out the exciting content we have planned for you here. Also come in to check out our new International Women's Day mural by Ms Saffaa and Molly Crabapple featuring (R - L) Julia De Burgos, Celeste Liddle and Dr. Hatoon Al Fassi and Suhair Hamad.

This year we mark Invasion Day with 6 hours of special programming from 10 am – 4 pm on Friday 26th January.

We'll start the day will Elders Stories from our local community and some of our favourite Blak anthems.

Then at 11am, cross live to the Invasion Day rally that begins on the steps of Victorian Parliament. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the first Day of Mourning protest called by William Cooper.

On the 20th January, 3CR will broadcast live between 12 - 1pm from the commemoration of the two freedom fighters, Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner who were executed 176 years ago.

Friday 11:00am to 4:00pm
The 26th of January marks the anniversary of the invasion of this continent, the start of a genocide that Aboriginal people continue to face, and the Aboriginal resistance that continues today. Invasion Day is a time to protest for land rights, sovereignty and self-determination for all Aboriginal people. This year we mark Invasion Day with 6 hours of special programming from 10am – 4 pm on Friday 26th January. At 10 am we'll bring you Yarra Elders Precious Memories - a portion of the many significant and important elders in the community whose stories are yet to be heard. We’ll cross live to the rally that begins on the steps of Victorian Parliament at 11am followed by an afternoon of deadly music, First Nations voices and updates from actions all across the land.
summer special 2018
A feast of radical summer radio featuring shorts, documentaries, music, and highlights from 2017.