Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Folau at a crossroads, but RA and Castle have chosen their path
Rugby Union

Folau at a crossroads, but RA and Castle have chosen their path

The sight of a subdued Israel Folau sitting among his teammates in the stands on Friday night prompted the obvious question: where to from here?

  • by Georgina Robinson


Inquiry nails the banks and the government

Inquiry nails the banks and the government

With the resignation of AMP’s chief executive, Craig Meller, the banking royal commission within weeks of starting work has achieved spectacular results.

Banks and Coalition must pay the price

Banks and Coalition must pay the price

The financial institutions could somewhat ameliorate the opprobrium they currently face.

How New Zealand helped Australia achieve its 25-year economic dream
The economy

How New Zealand helped Australia achieve its 25-year economic dream

Over a quarter of a century, the Reserve Bank has kept average inflation at exactly 2.5 per cent - exactly what it set out to do.

  • by Jessica Irvine
We forget to tell key part of story on Anzac Day

We forget to tell key part of story on Anzac Day

To suggest a change in the way we think about Anzac is dangerous territory. Over the past 20 years, Anzac has become impregnable; a bastion of patriotism over which words and argument cannot prevail.

  • by Matthew Bailey
We put sports players on moral pedestals then act all high and mighty when they fall

We put sports players on moral pedestals then act all high and mighty when they fall

I’ll never see why, when an athlete expresses non-mainstream views regardless of personal cost, Australia wants his head on a plate. And I’ll never buy that being able to kick a goal with staggering accuracy or throw a ball with blinding speed makes you some kind of moral paragon, some “role model”.

  • by Elizabeth Farrelly
Coalition builds new tower for Abbott to smash to pieces

Coalition builds new tower for Abbott to smash to pieces

After Australia's decade of disastrous policy, federal Energy and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg was given the task of building a new policy out of nothing more than a box of matches, an incendiary and an unstable Coalition.

  • by Peter Hartcher
Revenue more important than tax cuts for business, government and society

Revenue more important than tax cuts for business, government and society

Both the economics and politics surrounding the company tax cut just got a whole lot worse.

  • by Ben Oquist
Veiled threats: Muslim women cop hate from all sides

Veiled threats: Muslim women cop hate from all sides

Muslim women who dare to speak out will receive abuse and threats from Islamist misogynists and Islamophobic racists.

  • by Julia Baird
Economic gains of higher immigration don't add up

Economic gains of higher immigration don't add up

If higher GDP is the best argument for continuing Australia's increased immigration intake, it is a very poor one.

  • by Crispin Hull
The right to free speech doesn't make really bad ideas any better

The right to free speech doesn't make really bad ideas any better

The defence of the right to debate bigoted junk-science that damages vulnerable young people represents the natural end-point of Enlightenment thought.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Clancy Glover: "Put on a good show and you should be willing to accept the audience's applause. That's my new principle."

A letter from Clancy: It's not always easy being top dog

Dear Mum and Dad, it's your puppy Clancy here, writing from my home in the city.

  • by Richard Glover
In memory of a real war hero, who made his sacrifice every year

In memory of a real war hero, who made his sacrifice every year

Captain Fraunfelder once shook my sweaty, sticky Twistie-stained boogery-fingered hand.

  • by Danny Katz
It's not cricket, and that's the whole idea

It's not cricket, and that's the whole idea

You can't improve the appeal of a sport by forever cutting it back.

  • by Greg Baum
Success will need to be found on and off field for new cricket regime

Success will need to be found on and off field for new cricket regime

When Darren Lehmann was appointed Australian cricket coach in 2013, he was asked about his goals. ‘Winning,’ he said. Anything else?

  • by Malcolm Knox
People are still crying out for justice, perhaps now someone will listen
Banking & finance

People are still crying out for justice, perhaps now someone will listen

It took four years for the truth to finally come out: that these businesses have operated with an absence of morality and a proper ethical framework in which to work.

  • by Adele Ferguson
Phony peace? Challenges to energy plan sent back to modelling board
Climate change

Phony peace? Challenges to energy plan sent back to modelling board

Somewhere down the track lies possibly Josh Frydenberg's biggest challenge.

  • by Peter Hannam
Does royal commission turncoat Scott Morrison really think the public is so dim?

Does royal commission turncoat Scott Morrison really think the public is so dim?

A clearly panicked Scott Morrison has endless reasons for embarrassment.

  • by Tony Wright
AMP's mea culpa doesn't cut it - more heads need to roll
Banking & finance

AMP's mea culpa doesn't cut it - more heads need to roll

AMP essentially sacking its chief executive for the second time in a month is like shooting someone who is already dead.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Adam Goodes controversy a sorry affair for football

Adam Goodes controversy a sorry affair for football

Two documentaries are being produced on an episode where football's chiefs failed to adequately back one of the game's greats.

  • by Caroline Wilson
Russian router spies: what you can do to protect your home internet

Russian router spies: what you can do to protect your home internet

When was the last time you logged into your home's router or modem to check whether it needed updating?

  • by Ben Grubb
100-ball game can prove a winner but Test cricket ignored once more

100-ball game can prove a winner but Test cricket ignored once more

Why do we have new ideas and innovation for white-ball cricket but not Tests?

  • by Michael Vaughan
Why startups need to start talking about failing
Small business

Why startups need to start talking about failing

With a whopping four-out-of-five startups crashing and burning, you’d expect to read a lot more stories about what went wrong.

  • by Nicole Kersh
How Trump's hair-raising level of debt could bring us all crashing down
The economy

How Trump's hair-raising level of debt could bring us all crashing down

If there is such a thing as a capital crime in economics, it is Donald Trump's reckless government spending.

  • by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
If you live in the bush, don’t get sick

If you live in the bush, don’t get sick

Picture this: you are driving out of Sydney, when someone in the car is taken ill. How easy is it to get medical help?

Revelations an indictment of sorry financial system

Revelations an indictment of sorry financial system

The banks' idea of competition is to devise creative ways to channel customers' deposits into shareholder dividends and their own pockets.

Bogor not Bali shows Indonesia's huge potential
The economy

Bogor not Bali shows Indonesia's huge potential

With more than half it’s 250 million population under 30, this booming country will, within a decade, overtake Australia as the world’s 13th biggest economy.

  • by Harold Mitchell
Suncorp chair lightened her coal lode before new role

Suncorp chair lightened her coal lode before new role

Suncorp has been smashed by weather disasters over the last decade, but chose former Whitehaven Coal board member Christine McLoughlin as its new chair.

  • by Colin Kruger
In the Herald

In the Herald: April 20, 1956

Olympic Games will be televised

  • by Stephanie Bull
I wrote this while having an epidural
Health & wellness

I wrote this while having an epidural

To prove how magical - and vital - medicalised births are.

  • by Polly Dunning
Israel Folau saga shows there's a whole new ball game in sports media

Israel Folau saga shows there's a whole new ball game in sports media

Is the mouthpiece Israel Folau used to defend himself the future of sports media? Or an just athlete press release machine?

  • by John McDuling
Sickening bank behaviour shows need for broader probe
Banking & finance

Sickening bank behaviour shows need for broader probe

The behaviour of executives must be examined amidst the government's disgraceful spin.

  • by Adele Ferguson
Column 8

Column 8

Facebook's next move.

Why do people park their ethics in the driveway as they go to work?
Banking & finance

Why do people park their ethics in the driveway as they go to work?

It remains a conundrum that intelligent, well-paid people who behave decently in private somehow park their ethics in their driveway as they leave for work.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Selective school students miss out on broad education

Selective school students miss out on broad education

The wider the range of students in a cohort, the greater their daily exposure to the human condition, to talents which echo the breadth of the general population. We unquestionably value this at primary school but for some peculiar reason don’t appreciate its strengths at secondary level.

  • by William McKeith
Cricket fixture in memory of slain friend puts fringe dwellers back in their box

Cricket fixture in memory of slain friend puts fringe dwellers back in their box

To those who will raise their putrid voices calling for an end to migration from Muslim countries, the decency of those men is the most emphatic rebuttal.

  • by Catherine McGregor
Lesson from an ancient town: Dark ages pass, but knowledge is forever

Lesson from an ancient town: Dark ages pass, but knowledge is forever

Travelling in southern Spain, a paradox: with almost limitless knowledge instantly accessible, increasing numbers of us no longer know what to think or believe.

  • by Tony Wright
High Court judge Commissioner Kenneth Hayne is overseeing the banking royal commission.

What do we need? A royal commission into tax evasion now

The government tells us there is no problem with tax compliance by big business. It also told us there was no problem with banks.

  • by Jenna Price
Chance to end climate wars: Can the NEG get up?
Climate change

Chance to end climate wars: Can the NEG get up?

All you need to know about the National Energy Guarantee as state and federal ministers meet to debate its detail.

  • by Peter Hannam & Cole Latimer

World of photos - April 16, 2018

A selection of photographs from around the world by Fairfax picture editors.

The cost of flying first class: How can anyone afford it?
Planning & budgeting

The cost of flying first class: How can anyone afford it?

Being up the front costs many times more than economy but it's not clear it's worth that much.

  • by Georgina Dent
What are the chances of your being sucked out a plane window?
Health & wellness

What are the chances of your being sucked out a plane window?

When you consider that a 737 takes off or lands somewhere in the world every 1.8 seconds, this event is likely to be a one-off aberration.

  • by Saj Ahmad
Now's the time to fix (half) your home loan rate

Now's the time to fix (half) your home loan rate

There are signs of movement from the Reserve Bank.

  • by Nicole Pederson-McKinnon
Australia's young people are under attack

Australia's young people are under attack

From being told to just 'get a good job' or 'cut back on the smashed avo' as the solution to housing affordability, to Prime Minister Turnbull's assertion his cabinet is 'young at heart' when the average age of that cabinet is over 50, young people and the issues they face are being trivialised.

  • by Katie Acheson
Do men suffer too much gender prejudice in part-time work?
Small business

Do men suffer too much gender prejudice in part-time work?

Blocking men from taking on less hours has implications for gender pay inequality and organisation agility.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Syrian tragedy reveals embarrassing triviality of Australian politics

Syrian tragedy reveals embarrassing triviality of Australian politics

While the world reeled from horrors in Syria, Australian political debate focused on Scott Morrison as Santa Claus and Peta Credlin's claims she could silence a cabinet minister.

  • by David Crowe
Anger at Hindu leaders over India's rape epidemic

Anger at Hindu leaders over India's rape epidemic

If Indians are disturbed over the latest rapes, it is because they can see that religious bigotry, caste hatreds, and politics are mixed with sexual violence.

  • by Amrit Dhillon
Is this old passport black or blue? The answer explains Brexit

Is this old passport black or blue? The answer explains Brexit

The row over the colour of Britain's post-Brexit passports is really about Brexit itself.

  • by Nick Miller
How WA punches above its weight with top-end AFL talent

How WA punches above its weight with top-end AFL talent

While there are 430 Victorians currently on AFL lists making up 53 per cent of the player pool, WA only contributes 114 players (14 per cent).

  • by Ben Cameron
Is the wellness trend a load of garbage?
Small business

Is the wellness trend a load of garbage?

The wellness trend is a joke if it’s merely treated as another ‘thing to do’ at work.

  • by Alexandra Cain