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Archive of the Working Class History podcast. History isn't made by kings and politicians, it's made by all of us. This podcast is about how we, together, have fought for a better world...

Protest against hate - central London 06.05.18

On Sunday 6 May thousands of far-right anti-Muslim bigots will be marching through central London, anti-fascists from across the country need to take to the streets to oppose them.

A look at the recent surge in levels of gang related violence and deaths of young people in working class, BME areas of London , and the youth-led movements growing in response to it.

While McDonald's boss rakes in £5,500 per hour, workers’ at five branches around the country have voted overwhelmingly to strike on May 1st against zero-hours contracts and poverty pay.


David Hyde examines a pivotal working-class struggle which erupted within East Africa’s transport system near the end of the colonial period. Though this was arguably the most important working-...


Collectivised transport during the revolution

A critical account and assessment of the Spanish civil war and revolution, particularly focusing on the successes and failures of the anarchist organisations, written by Vernon Richards.


Libcom's organising toolkit - guides to organising at work, in your local area and more.