Finding our way in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes with the words of Miguel Amorós

A March 2018 interview in which Miguel Amorós discusses his anti-development concepts, the global trend towards mega-urbanization, the destructive tendencies of capitalist development, Latin American populist governments and their social basis, the civil society movement, and perspectives for a movement to create a better world. ( 17/04/2018)

If Amorós does not speak directly to the ZAD in the interview, his radical politics points to de-industrialisation, de-urbanisation, de-centralisation … what could be taken as the proliferation of ZADs.

An earlier text by Amorós however does, written after the french government’s decision to abandon the airport project for the ZAD; a text that retains all of its relevance. ( 17/04/2018)

We close with a video-interview with Miguel Amorós, in spanish.

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With the war on the ZADs as horizon, a reflection on wilderness

A day will come when all the imaginary lines will be blown away, and in the scattering dust of all the maps made meaningless, all things will be left equal once again.

Pray for calamity

We do not know if there is a wilderness that lies within us, or beyond us, that might serve as refuge from the onslaughts of commodification.  Is not the wild but the mirror image of the civilised?  Or can a deeper reality be revealed by this word, of wildness as the voice from the “underground”, from the “irrational” rituals of love, giving and festivity?

Religion once meant tying individuals together into collectives that by their shared ways, brought into being realities greater than themselves.  Perhaps then the “wild” is this ancient religiosity, this capacity for joint, ungovernable, self-creation of spaces and times not beholden to any logic of hierarchy and subordination, and slavish, destructive instrumentalisation; and the determination to build and defend these ways, together, against those whose desires can only find fulfillment in the domination of others.

From the blog “Pray for calamity“, we share an essay entitled “A wilderness between us” and a film documentary-intervention on the ZAD of Notre-dame-des-Landes from the Cinema Committee

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Illuminations from Pier Paolo Pasolini

The magazine Ballast regularly gathers together citations of authors under the generic designation of an abécédaire.  We share below, in translation, their most recent “alphabet text”, from the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini.

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From the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes: An intergalactic call

From the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Appel Intergalactique 19/04/2018) …

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He who designates the terrorist, in this world, is sovereign: The “Tarnac affair”

Antiterrorism, contrary to what the term would suggest, is not a means to fight against terrorism, it is the method by which the political enemy is positively produced as a terrorist. It is a matter, by a luxury of provocation, infiltration, surveillance, intimidation and propaganda, by a whole science of media manipulation, “psychological action”, the production of evidence and crimes, by the fusion also of the police and the judiciary, to annihilate the “subversive threat” by associating, within the population, the inner enemy, the political enemy, to the affect of terror.

What is essential, in modern warfare, is this “battle of hearts and minds”, where all blows are allowed. The elementary process here is invariable: to individuate the enemy in order to cut him off from the people and common reason, to expose as a monster, to defame him, to humiliate him publicly, to incite the vilest to cover him with their spit, to encourage them to hatred.

What is, before us, is a bifurcation, both historical and metaphysical: either we move from a paradigm of government to a paradigm of living at the price of a cruel but overwhelming revolt, or we allow to be establish, on a planetary scale, this air-conditioned disaster where there coexists, under the rule of an “uninhibited” management, an imperial elite of citizens and plebeian masses held to the margins of everything. So there is, indeed, a war, a war between the beneficiaries of the disaster and those who make of life something less skeletal. A ruling class has never been seen to heartily commit suicide.

Julien Coupat, Le Monde (18/12/2009)


The CrimethInc Collective offers a chronicle and an analysis of the significance of the french state’s effort to condemn the “Tarnac Group” for terrorism; an effort that concluded this last week in failure.  Yet it is a failure from which lessons should be drawn.


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Notre-Dame-des-Landes: The ZAD cannot be eradicated

As the resistance of the ZAD of Notre-Dames-des-Landes continues, so too we will continue to share news, communiqués, reflections, in solidarity with all of those who persevere  in the struggle.

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The fear of the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes

Forms of life enter into conflict when one or both can survive only by the colonisation of the other.  Capitalism as a political project – and it is essentially a political project – cannot but actively undermine and destroy alternative, incompatible ways of being in the world; especially those that would explicitly contest its hegemony.

It is against this background that one must understand the determination of the french state to destroy the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes.  If the State retreated on its plans to build an airport on these lands – in the end, a minor setback – it will not allow the reality and thus possibility of collective autonomy, as this has developed within the ZAD, to persist.

But the resistance itself continues, spreading beyond the confines of the region.

We join in sharing the calls for solidarity with the ZAD; may they multiply, may the resistance extend, and may ever more ZADs flourish.

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Creating autonomies in the ZAD: Notre-Dame-des-Landes

The significance of the Notre-Dame-des-Landes ZAD in france is reflected below in two texts, excerpts from longer essays/collections.  The first is from a french publication entitled Défendre la zad, by the Collective Mauvaise Troupe (2016), and available in an english translation online.  And the second comes from a reflection and analysis by the  CrimethInc Collective (09/04/2018).

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The war against autonomy: The State attacks the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes

This April 9th, the expulsion of the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes began.  If the proposed airport for the region was struck down, the french government has repeatedly announced that it will not accept the “illegal” occupation of the land by squatters.

Some 2,500 military police, with heavy equipment and demolition vehicles were mobilised for the occasion, for an estimated 250 people occupying some 40 structures.

If the forces of the State seem excessive, the language of the government leaves no room for doubt as to the motives.

The target, according to the police are the more radical elements of the ZAD. (Le monde 09/04/2018)  The prime minister, Edouard Philippe has not tired in repeating that it is a matter of reinstating the rule of law and that all of those whose presence in the Landes is not inscribed in a legal framework must quickly leave the territory. (Parisien 07/04/2018)  “I hope that during the day everything will be fine and that in a few weeks order will return to Notre-Dame-des-Landes,” said Gérard Collomb, minister of the interieur.  “The law had to be reinstated,” said the interior minister, who nevertheless reminded the police of the need to act with “restraint” and “ethics”. (Le monde 09/04/2018)

Between the lines, it does not take a great deal to see what is in fact at stake.  The so called “radicals” are not only those people, all of the people, who have resisted successfully the construction of an airport (in a fifty year struggle), and thus the saving of a way of life and its associated environment, but they are as well those who have experimented with autonomous forms of life, and it is this that must be destroyed and erased.

The law, and the creation of the leveled space of “normality” in which the law can function, revels itself as thereby grounded in the “exception” of violence, which is in fact itself the norm.

The ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes resonated across france, and beyond.  And whatever its fate today, it stands as an example of what a radical anti-capitalism can be.

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Brazil and the permanent state of exception

A prisoner of my class and some clothing, I walk,
dressed in white along the gray street.
Melancholy and merchandise harass me.
Must I keep going until I collapse?
Can I rebel without arms?

Filthy eyes in the tower clock
No, the time of complete justice hasn’t come.
It’s still the time for dung, bad poetry, phantasms and hope.

A poor time and a poor poet
Melt together in the same impasse.

In vain I try to explain myself, but the walls are deaf.
Beneath the skin of the words there are ciphers and codes.
The sun consoles the sick but does not renew them.
Things. How sad things are, considered without emphasis. A flower bloomed in the street!

To vomit this ennui on the city.
Forty years and no problem solved, not even stated.
No letter written or received.
The men all return home.
They are less free but carry newspapers and spell out the world, knowing they are losing it.

Crimes of the earth, how to pardon them?
I took part in many, others I hid.
Some I thought clever, they were published.
Smooth crimes, that help one to live.
The daily ration of error, home-delivered.
The fierce bakers of wrong.
The fierce milkmen of wrong.

To set fire to everything, me included.
They called the boy of 1918 an anarchist.
But my hate is the best part of me.
With it I save myself
and give to a few a small hope.

Let the trolleys, busses, the steel river of traffic, keep their distance.
A flower still in bud
Eludes the police, pierces the asphalt.
Observe complete silence, stop all business,
I swear a flower grew.

You can’t see its color.
Its petals aren’t open
Its name isn’t in the books.
It’s ugly, but really–it’s a flower.

I sit on the ground of the capital of the country at five in the afternoon
and slowly pass my hand on this insecure form.
Beside the mountains, massive clouds pile up.
Little white dots move on the sea, chickens in panic.
It’s ugly. But it’s a flower. It breached the asphalt, the ennui, the nausea and the hate.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade, The Flower and the Nausea


In Brazil, we are witnessing this intensification of violence, repression, and electronic surveillance not as an interruption of the rule of law, but as an extension of its logic. Today this is called the “austerity policy”—the similarities with Greece are evident, especially in Rio de Janeiro. These austerity measures are only the latest reallocation of resources in a centuries-ongoing series of colonial robberies channeling resources from the public purse into the pockets of the powerful, a process that precedes democracy yet has been stabilized by it. What is disappearing now is the illusory promise of isonomy (self-rule and equality under the law) that supposedly qualified Brazil as a modern democracy.


From the Crimethinc Collective, reflections on the “exceptional” politics of Brazil …

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