
The Canberra Times Editorials

Australia ignores Pacific at our peril

The ancient adage, to beware of Greeks bearing gifts, applies to modern China in spades. Its practice of providing easy credit to small nations is the modern version of the Trojan horse.

Time to reconsider opposition to national energy policy

The big power companies have been reluctant to invest in new generating capacity, whether fossil fuel based or built around renewables, because there has been no clear legislative framework setting out the ground rules.

Syria's war without end is a triumph for inhumanity

While many in the west would argue the conflict has nothing to do with us and that the Syrians should be left to sort matters out for themselves they would be as wrong as they are ignorant and inhumane.

Drone use needs scrutiny

Technology like the use of drones does have an exciting potential but only if safety and privacy concerns can be dealt with.