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Social media rants about the boss less likely to lead to sacking

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Employees who criticise their boss or colleagues on social media are becoming harder to sack because the Fair Work umpire is recognising their right to privacy.

While employers have treated employees' social media posts as public, new research suggests the Fair Work umpire is shifting its position to provide workers with a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Associate Professor Louise Thornthwaite, from Macquarie University's Faculty of Business and Economics, has found a changing approach to social media cases in tribunal decisions.

Her research paper published in the Journal of Industrial Relations says the Commission had tended to consider online posts as public regardless of the circumstances, but more recently had "signalled a shift in reasoning".

Recent Commission decisions had considered the way employers had obtained information about an employee's social media posts, the purpose of the intrusion into their privacy and the employee's attempts to keep their posts private.

Dr Thornthwaite said the Commission has indicated that employees had a right to engage in ordinary discourse online about their working lives, including complaints about management.


In 2010, the Commission found employees could not assume social media activity was private, warning that it was "foolish" to think an employee could say what they liked on Facebook with "total immunity".

But the 2011 case of Stutsel v Linfox Australia accepted an employee's comments on social media could be considered private. When the decision was appealed, the Commission's Full Bench said posting derogatory statements about work colleagues and managers on Facebook might provide a valid reason for termination, but employers should consider the nature of the comments and the width of publication.

The Commission said it was mindful of the need not to impose unrealistic standards of behaviour or to ignore the "realities of workplaces". "Comments made directly to managers and other employees and given wide circulation in the workplace will be treated more seriously than if such comments are shared privately by a few workmates in a social setting," it said.

The 2016 decision of Mrs Robyn Vosper v Solibrooke confirmed employees were entitled to discuss their working lives when off duty. The Commission said an employee "has the right to complain about their employment rights and their treatment at work. We do not live in a society where employees are prohibited from discussing their employment status or their treatment at work with others."

Kamal Farouque, principal employment lawyer at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, said the Commission has been increasingly prepared consider whether disciplinary action over social media posts had intruded on the privacy of employees.

"There is definitely increasing preparedness on the part of the Fair Work Commission to assess whether the employee's use of social media offends their employee's expectations of a reasonable private life," Mr Farouque said. "The tribunals are saying just because someone has said something critical about their workplace or colleagues, it does not automatically lead to termination being justified."

Innes Willox, Chief Executive, Australian Industry Group said growth in social media use was creating challenges for businesses and employees.

"The best way for businesses to avoid problems is to have a social media policy that explains to employees what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and to make sure that all employees are made aware of the policy," he said.

"Businesses have a legal obligation to prevent bullying in their workplaces, including bullying through social media. Also, businesses are entitled to protect their brand and reputation and to expect that employees will not make public statements that damage these."