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Bar Coluzzi operator fined close to $100,000 for cashback scheme

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The operator of popular Sydney cafe Bar Coluzzi has been fined close to $100,000 after an employee was allegedly forced to pay back thousands of dollars in wages as part of a cashback scheme.

The Federal Circuit Court fined Tibor Vertes, who runs the cafe in Darlinghurst $9720 and his company Robit Nominees was penalised a further $87,345.

Robit Nominees had sponsored an Italian cook on a 457 skilled worker visa. She was contracted to work a 40-hour week for an annual salary of $56,000.

The court heard she worked 54 hours each week and that Robit Nominees required her to pay back $218 of her weekly wages in cash – a total of $13,952 over a 15-month period between August 2014 until November 2015.

The court heard Mr Vertes told the worker his company could not afford to pay her whole salary and that the cashback payments were needed to cover tax and superannuation.

In a statement of agreed facts submitted in court, Mr Vertes and Robit Nominees said the worker agreed to make the cashback payments because she was concerned she may lose her job and have to return to Italy.


The worker sought assistance from the Fair Work Ombudsman after she resigned.

Fair Work inspectors said they found the worker's annual leave entitlements, overtime and penalty rates were also underpaid and she was not issued pay slips.

The Fair Work Ombudsman alleged the worker was short-changed a total of $39,686 which Mr Vertes and his company have back-paid.

Judge Nicholas Manousaridis said the way in which the weekly repayments were made suggested it was a scheme "established to create the false impression that [the worker] was being paid her lawful entitlements".

“[T]he scheme was implemented in relation to an employee who was vulnerable because she relied on Robit Nominees to remain in Australia,” he said.

The Fair Work Ombudsman said it has had previous dealings with Mr Vertes, a qualified lawyer, when he was general counsel and director of a company in relation to an alleged failure to pay an employee’s termination entitlement.

“Mr Vertes was an experienced business person and an admitted legal practitioner, it isinconceivable Mr Vertes was unaware of the legal obligations of Robit Nominees asemployer to [the worker],” Judge Manousaridis said.

Judge Manousaridis said Mr Vertes and his company had expressed no contrition and it was necessary to "send a strong message to the restaurant industry in which Mr Vertes works”.

Acting Fair Work Ombudsman Kristen Hannah said the agency was prepared to take serious action against employers who blatantly exploit employees.

“There is no excuse for any business to underpay its staff, and visa holders are entitledto the same minimum rates as Australian workers,” she said.

“Employees should be aware that if their employer requires an employee to use their own money unreasonably, or makes an employee give some of their pay back to theiremployer or another person, this could be unlawful.

“I am concerned that cashback schemes are being utilised by unscrupulous operators in an attempt to get around record-keeping laws and disguise serious underpayment of wages.”