

Automakers have been installing wireless connections in vehicles and collecting data for decades.

The car of the future will sell your data

Picture this: You're driving home from work, contemplating what to make for dinner, and as you idle at a red light near your neighbourhood pizzeria, an ad offering $US5 off a large pepperoni pops up on your dashboard screen.

Tesla MotThe electric-car maker has seen its shares fall by almost 20 per cent since June 22.

There's a dark side to the shiny electric car future

You can't power an electric car without a lithium-ion battery and you can't make a battery without using cobalt. Most of that comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country racked by political instability, legal opacity and, at its darkest, child labour in its mines.

Elon Musk has a lot riding on the timely delivery of the project, having bet his company can build and install the unit ...

Elon Musk's giant battery is ready for testing in SA

The billionaire's giant battery being built in South Australia will be energised in coming days and begin testing, indicating Tesla is on track to meet a 100-day self-imposed deadline to install the system.

Companies like Amazon are offering a new model of growth.

The growth without inflation trick is one out of the box

Why have U.S. stocks risen so high over the past year? That debate has focused on the costs of Trumpian instability versus the benefits of corporate tax cuts, but there's another important angle: Investors now seem to think that steady growth and low inflation are compatible.