Consumer affairs | Consumer Affairs News | The Sydney Morning Herald


Consumer affairs

Cowboy builders are duping ACT buyers, an industry expert says

Cowboy builders are duping ACT buyers, an industry expert says

Construction consultant Damien Moloney says home buyers need to be careful when looking for builders, and should run a close eye over any contract fine print.

  • by Steven Trask


Hepatitis A outbreak linked to frozen pomegranates

Hepatitis A outbreak linked to frozen pomegranates

A frozen food company previously linked to two outbreaks of hepatitis A in NSW has had to recall another product, after seven people in Sydney, the Central Coast and Wollongong became ill after eating it.

  • by Sarah Muller
Did Cambridge Analytica get your data on Facebook? You'll know soon
Social media

Did Cambridge Analytica get your data on Facebook? You'll know soon

Anyone who's been wondering if their private Facebook data might have been swept up in the Cambridge Analytica scandal will soon get their first clues.

Why money doesn't matter to multimillionaire Ruslan Kogan

Why money doesn't matter to multimillionaire Ruslan Kogan

A six-year-old Ruslan Kogan arrived in Australia with his family in 1989 with $90 and no English. Now he's worth $169 million.

  • by Julie Power
ATO raids tax office whistleblower amid Fairfax-Four Corners investigation
Tax avoidance

ATO raids tax office whistleblower amid Fairfax-Four Corners investigation

A whistleblower employed by the tax office has had his home raided by four federal police officers and an ATO investigator.

  • by Adele Ferguson, Lesley Robinson & Lucy Carter
Fake wellness guru Belle Gibson yet to pay $410,000 fine

Fake wellness guru Belle Gibson yet to pay $410,000 fine

Cancer con artist late paying her fine for duping Australian consumers, six months after it was imposed by the Federal Court.

‘They say we owe $20,000’: Car wash owner's two-year fight with AGL

‘They say we owe $20,000’: Car wash owner's two-year fight with AGL

Stephen Wetton‘s problems with AGL began in 2016 when he asked to move from quarterly to monthly billing to improve his business cash flow.

  • by Debbie Cuthbertson
Snap a photo of your meter: Government bid to cut estimated energy bills

Snap a photo of your meter: Government bid to cut estimated energy bills

Energy companies could face fines for sending customers grossly inaccurate bills based on estimates rather than usage.

  • by Debbie Cuthbertson
Woolworths targets grieving woman for her inheritance: whistleblower

Woolworths targets grieving woman for her inheritance: whistleblower

Staff in a Woolworths-owned pub held meetings to discuss how to keep a grieving woman, who was losing $2000 a day, playing its pokie machines.

  • by Nick O'Malley
The former Cambridge Analytica figures working in Australia

The former Cambridge Analytica figures working in Australia

The head of data operations for Cambridge Analytica during the US election campaign has been sacked from the Sydney start-up where he recently found work.

  • by Patrick Begley
Before you #DeleteFacebook, try taking control with these steps
Social media

Before you #DeleteFacebook, try taking control with these steps

You don't have to delete the app that keeps you in touch with friends, family members and Russian bots. Instead, take these steps to make it a benign tool.

  • by Barry Ritholtz