Membership with EI

Education International's Affiliates

EI's membership criteria are stated in our Constitution. Should you need more information, please contact our headoffice.

Article 4 of the EI Constitution:

The Education International shall be composed of organisations of teachers and education and research employees upholding the principles of independent trade unionism and aspiring to enhance democracy, human rights and social justice in their respective nations, to improve the living and working conditions of their members and to advance education through trade union action.

Any national organisation composed predominantly of teachers and education employees shall have the right to apply for membership and shall be admitted as a member of the Education International by the Executive Board, provided that the applicant:

subscribes to the aims and principles as described in Article 2 and 3 - and is thereby actively engaged in promoting the overall professional and trade union interests of its members;

pledges to fulfil the obligations of membership as described in Article 6;

is, to the extent possible, national in character and scope and representative of teachers and/or other education employees in its country. The term country is defined according to membership in the United Nations. Nevertheless applications may also be considered from organisations at the regional level in a country where there is no national member.

Exceptions to this provision may be made by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at the Executive Board.

practices internal democracy in the designation of its leadership, in the determination of its goals, policies and activities and in the management and administration of all of its affairs;

is self-governing and not under the control of any political party, government and ideological or religious grouping;

is not affiliated to or formally associated with other international teacher's trade union bodies or with their regional structures. This restriction does not apply in the case of affiliation to autonomous regional bodies.

is not part of an organisation already in membership, such that acceptance of the application would create double affiliation.

If an application is received from an organisation operating in a country in which the Education International already has a member organisation, the Executive Board will consult with the member organisation(s) concerned before making its decision. In the event that the decision of the Executive Board on a membership application is contested, an appeal may be made to the World Congress in accordance with the By-laws. The decision of the World Congress shall be final.

Only applications duly authorised by the applicant's governing body shall be taken into consideration by the Executive Board.

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