About Education International

Education International is a Global Union Federation that represents organisations of teachers and other education employees.

It is the world’s largest, most representative global, sectoral organisation of unions with more than thirty-two million trade union members in about four hundred organisations in one hundred and seventy countries and territories.

  • Education International promotes the principle that quality education, funded publicly, should be available to every student in every country.
  • Education International promotes and represents the interests of teachers and other education employees on the international level.
  • Education International assists the development of independent democratic organisations to represent teachers and other education employees and builds solidarity and cooperation between them.
  • Education International supports the development of qualifications of teachers and recognition of teachers as professionals.
  • Education International supports democracy, peace, social justice, and human rights, including trade union rights and the right to education.
  • Education International advocates equity in society. It combats racism and xenophobia. It challenges discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, and racial or ethnic origin or characteristics.
  • Education International works with other Global Union Federations and other friendly organisations to promote and achieve solidarity.

Education International is the global voice for education employees.


We promote

quality education.

We promote

the interests of teachers
and other education employees.

We promote

equity in society.

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