Category: Minister for Mental Health

Saving Lives And Remembering Those Lost To Overdose

The life-saving drug Naloxone and the vital training needed to use it will be more readily available to help those experiencing an overdose, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government. Marking International Overdose Awareness Day, Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today announced $2.2 million in funding to strengthen essential harm reduction services by increasing access […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Better Support For Victorians With Personality Disorders

Victorians living with a severe personality disorder will soon have better access to the ongoing care and support they need, thanks to a new initiative from the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today announced almost $10 million in funding for the Personality Disorder Initiative, which is now being delivered at six […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Making The North Richmond Community Safer

More lives will be saved and more people will get treatment, counselling and pathways out of addiction with the expansion of the Medically Supervised Injecting Room. The new, larger facility opens its doors today and will provide more capacity for supervised injecting, longer operating hours and better support services. Drug use is an issue the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health, Ministers

More Support For Gippslanders Battling Drug Use

People in Gippsland will have better access to treatment and support to help kick their drug dependency, thanks to Hope Restart Centre residential rehabilitation facility being delivered by the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today visited the Hope Restart Centre, which is on track to open in Bairnsdale later this year […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Extra Mental Health Support For East Gippsland

People doing it tough across Gippsland because of drought and dry conditions will have extra mental health support, thanks to an Andrews Labor Government funding boost. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today announced $395,000 to fund innovative mental health and wellbeing programs for the community. The funding comes as the Royal Commission into Victoria’s […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Mental Health Royal Commission Public Hearings Begin

Victorians touched by mental health will be the first to tell their stories as public hearings for the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System start at the Melbourne Town Hall today. The Royal Commission is the first of its kind in Australia to address our broken mental health system. It will map out a […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Boost For Mental Health As The Royal Commission Does Its Work

The Andrews Labor Government is building on last year’s record mental health investment to give more Victorians experiencing mental illness better treatment and care, closer to home. The Victorian Budget 2019/20 delivers the practical support Victorians need now while the landmark Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System continues its enquiry ahead of delivering its […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Equality, Minister for Mental Health

Better Support For Victorians With Eating Disorders

Victorians living with an eating disorder will receive the support they need to recover and live happy, healthy lives, thanks to an Andrews Labor Government funding boost. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today announced $1.2 million for Victorian services to deliver programs that will improve quality of life for clients with an eating disorder […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Giving People Experiencing Mental Illness The Support They Deserve

The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to make sure Victorians living with severe mental illness and psychosocial disabilities don’t fall through the cracks of the NDIS. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley was today joined by Member for Werribee Tim Pallas in announcing part of $50 million in funding for local community-managed mental health […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health, Western Metropolitan Region

$10m For Mental Health Services To Smooth The Path To NDIS

Mental health service providers will be ready to offer the best care when it comes to transitioning over to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), thanks to a $10 million investment from the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley has announced Sacred Heart Mission as one of 18 organisations to receive a […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health