“Balfour” Centenary in the Media

A selection of 100 publications on the occasion of the “Balfour” centenary.



 1. 20 October 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center, by Chris Doyle

Britain broke its promise to the Palestinian people

2. 23 October 2017 – Washington Report On Middle East Affairs, by Allan C. Brownfeld

The Balfour Declaration at 100: Remembering Its Prophetic Jewish Critics.

3. 24 October 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center, by Jeremy Salt

Ugly Truths Behind Balfour and Beersheba

4. 25 October 2017 – IMEMC

Who Wrote the Balfour Declaration and Why: The World War I Connection

5. 26 October 2017 – The National Scotland, by B McKenna Dumbarton

Letters: Should the Balfour Declaration really be a source of pride?

6. 26 October 2017 – Christian Today, by Bishop Declan Lang

The Balfour Declaration at 100: Britain’s promise to Israelis and Palestinians still hasn’t been kept

7. 28 October 2017 – Huffington Post, by James Zogby

Balfour Declaration: A Convergence Of Zionist Ambition And The British Imperial Enterprise

8. 28 October  2017 – Bangkok Post, by Gwynne Dyer

Balfour Declaration and 100 years of bloody conflict 

9. 29 October 2017 – Al Jazeera

100-years balfour declaration explained

10. 29 October 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Peter Oborne

100 years after Balfour: The reality which still shames Israel

11. 29 October 2017 – Labourlist

Why the Balfour declaration is steeped in the history of the Labour Party

12. 29 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Asa Winstanley

Overthrow the Balfour Declaration

13. 30 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Ben White

Balfour celebrations a reminder that the colonial past is not past

14. 30 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor

UK public support for Balfour Declaration drops during centenary year

15. 31 October 2017 – Middle Eat Eye, by Amandla Thomas-Johnson

The Balfour Declaration dissected: 67 words that changed the world

16. 1 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Hamas: Balfour Declaration crime of century

17. 1 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Dr Basheer M. Nafi

Why the Balfour Declaration did not promise a Jewish state

18. 1 November 2017 – The Guardian, by Mahmoud Abbas

Britain must atone for the Balfour declaration – and 100 years of suffering

19. 1 November 2017 – Palestine Square, by Yousef Munayyer

It’s Time To Admit That Arthur Balfour Was A White Supremacist — And An Anti-Semite Too

20. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Jonathan Cook

Britain still proud of its shameful role as patron of Israel’s occupation

21. 2 November 2017 – Muftah, by Oscar Jarzmik

Israel Marks 100 Years Since Balfour Declaration With “Greater Jerusalem” Scheme

22. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Kamel Hawwash

What if Wales had been offered to the Jews as a homeland?

23. 2 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Euro-Med: Britain responsible for century-long violations in Palestine

24. 2 November 2017 –  The Palestinian Information Center

Will Britain ever apologize?

25. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Mustafa Abu Sneineh

See Palestine then and now, 100 years after the Balfour Declaration

26. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Jade Saab

100 years since Balfour and foreign policy remains very much the same

27. 2 November 2017 – Al Jazeera

Balfour: UK government ‘should hang its head in shame’ 

28. 2 November 2017 – The Guardian, by Hanan Ashrawi

A century on from Balfour, I challenge Britain to finally do the right thing

29. 2 November 2017 – Al Jazeera

What Balfour means to Jewish critics in Israël

30. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Ramona Wadi

The normalisation of colonial violence is in tune with Balfour’s infamous letter

31. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Nadia Naser-Najjab

The Balfour Declaration and contemporary echoes of imperialism

32. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Hossam Shaker

100 years since the Balfour Declaration: Symbolic humiliation and the creation of tragedy

33. 3 November 2017 – Indy 100 (Independent)

Which countries recognise Palestine?

34. 3 November 2017 – MWC News, by Richard Falk

Balfour, Then and Now

35. 3 November 2017 – Counterpunch, by Jonathan Cook

Balfour Declaration: Britain Broke Its Feeble Promise to the Palestinians

36. 7 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by BenWhite

Praise and protest: Reflections on how the Balfour centenary was marked

37. 7 november 2017 – The East African, by Jenerali Ulimwengu

Britain had its say a 100 years ago, the Palestine question has no answer yet

38. 8 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Dr Amira Abo El–Fetouh

Between the Balfour Declaration and Trump’s declaration

39. 8 November 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Susan Abulhawa

The Balfour Declaration: Enduring colonial criminality

40. 8 November 2017 – Canadian Dimension, by Dan Freeman-Maloy

Balfour at 100: A Legacy of Racism and Propaganda

41. 11 November 2017 – Daily Mirror, by Jonathan Power

Zionism’s undoing; the aftermath of the Balfour Declaration.


Centenary gala dinner in London

42. 25 October 2017 – Independent, by Ashley Cowburn

Theresa May says she will celebrate the centenary of Balfour declaration with ‘pride’

43. 26 October 2017 – Independent, by Michael Segalov

It’s not ‘antisemitic’ for Jeremy Corbyn not to celebrate the centenary of the Balfour Declaration – it’s sensible

44. 28 October 2017 – IMEMC – Corbyn Refuses To Attend Balfour Dinner


45. 31 October 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

UK celebration of Balfour Declaration insistence on historic injustice

46. 2 November 2017 – The Guardian, by Patrick Wintour and Peter Beaumont

May lauds UK role in creation of Israel at Balfour centenary dinner

47. 3 November 2017 – Times of Israel

Full text of May’s speech at Balfour Declarationcentenary dinner

48. 7 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Ramona Wadi

Israeli manipulation mirrors Balfour’s endeavours


Protests, campaigns, lectures and demands for apologies

49. Balfour 100

An overview of events

50. 18 February 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Petition: UK government should ‘apologise’ to Palestinians for Balfour Declaration

51. 3 May 2017

Petition: UK must apologise for the Balfour Declaration & lead peace efforts in Palestine

52. 18 October 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Chris Doyle

Britain broke its promise to the Palestinian people – on Balfour’s centenary it should make amends

53. 25 October 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Protest in The Hague at Balfour Declaration 100th anniversary

54. 29 October 2017 – Al Arabiya

British activists walk from UK to Palestine to apologize for Balfour declaration

55. 29 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Palestinian PM demands British apology for Balfour

56. 30 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Palestinian campaign to force UK to cancel Balfour celebrations

57. 30 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor

UK Labour MP: ‘Mark’ Balfour centenary by recognising Palestine

58. 31 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Palestinians to send 100,000 letters to UK PM denouncing Balfour Declaration

59. 31 October 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Middle East Monitor -Banned anti-Balfour ad campaign runs on London’s black cabs

60. 31 October 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

UK celebration of Balfour Declaration insistence on historic injustice 

61. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor

PA seeks support to sue UK over Balfour Declaration

62. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Banksy gets ‘royal apology’ for Balfour Declaration

63. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Eye

Protests and celebrations mark Balfour centenary as letter still stirs controversy

64. 2 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center –

Demonstration in Ankara asks UK to get rid of Balfour shame

65. 2 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Palestinians in WB mark 100th anniversary of Balfour declaration

66. 2 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor, by Dr Mohsen M. Saleh

Why should Britain apologise for the Balfour Declaration?

67. 2 November 2017 – Palestine Square – Rashid Khalidi

Balfour Declaration Must be Matched by National Home for Palestinians

68: 2 November 2017 – Pacific Press Agency, by Matteo Nardone

Italy: 100 years from the Balfour Declaration Sit-in organized by the Palestinian Community of Rome and Latium in front of the English Embassy

69. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Eye, by Mustafa Abu Sneineh

Palestinians to the UK government: ‘Ask us for forgiveness’

70. 3 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Protest at British Embassy in Kuala Lumpur against Balfour declaration

71. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Archbishop of Canterbury reminds UK of its broken promise to Palestinians

72. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor

100 ‘Decolonise Palestine’ posters appear in London for Balfour centenary

73. 3 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Palestinians protest in Gaza against Balfour Declaration

74. 3 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Aqsa preacher asks Britain to confess its historical crime

75. 3 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

Protest in Istanbul on centenary of Balfour Declaration

76. 3 November 2017 – Middle East Monitor

Corbyn urges ‘increasing pressure’ on Israel in Balfour centenary statement

77. 5 November 2017 –  The Palestinian Information Center

Thousands take to London streets over tragic upshots of Balfour pledge

78. 7 November 2017 – The Milli Gazette

Apologise to the Palestinian People: Memorandum to the British PM about Balfour Declaration The following memorandum was handed to the British High Commissioner’s representative in Kuala Lumpur on Friday 3rd November 2017

79. 14 November 2017 – Samidoun

London protest outside #Balfour100 celebration rings out with demands for justice for Palestine




80. 9 January 2017 – Balfour 100

Balfour Centenary Israel Tour

81. 5 June 2017 – Mosaic, by Martin Kramer

The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaration

82. 11 October 2017 – The Jerusalem Post, by Barry Davis

The Balfour Declaration Revisted

83. 28 October 2017 – The New York Sun, by Rich Richman

How the Balfour Declaration Has Emerged at the Crux Of the War Against Israel

84. 28 October 2017 – Press TV

UK reportedly holds Balfour Declaration event in Israel with no fanfare

85. 30 October 2017 –  The Law Society Gazette, by Michael Cross

Balfour and the law

86. 30 October 2017 – UK Government, by Boris Johnson

My vision for Middle East peace between Israel and a new Palestinian state: article by Boris Johnson on the Balfour Declaration

87. 30 October 2017 – Breitbart, by Simon Kent

Britain Proud of Balfour Declaration: 100 Years On, Says it Created ‘Great Nation’ of Israel

88. 1 November 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

UK calls for more waivers to accomplish Balfour declaration

89. 1 November 2017 – Mosaic

The Balfour Declaration Is Important Because It Recognizes Something Already There

90. 2 November 2017 – Haaretz, by Amir Tibon

Congress to Vote on Resolution Supporting Balfour Declaration

91. 2 November 2017 – Independent, by Samuel Osborne

Israeli deputy foreign minister denies Palestinians live under occupation: ‘This is Judea and Samaria’

92. 3 November 2017 –  The Algemeiner

Balfour Declaration Represented ‘Hope for Mankind,’ Says Ex-Secretary of State Kissinger

93. 13 November 2017 – The Jewish Chronicle, by Danni Rich

Balfour centenary: What is our hope and vision?




94. 28 June 2017 – The Palestine Chronicle, review by Jim Miles

Balfour’s Shadow – A Book Review

95. 30 October 2017 – The Palestinian Information Center

PRC releases Balfour Road movie

96. 2 November 2017 – VIDEO

PM Netanyahu and British PM May at Balfour Declaration Centenary Event

97. 3 November 2017 – VIDEO

Banky’s Tea Party

98. 3 November 2017

Book Review | The Palestine Deception, 1915-23, edited by William Mathew

99. 6 November 2017 –  VIDEO Daid Cronin Balfour’s Shadow

speech Amsterdam

100. 6 November 2017 – VIDEO

Thousands march in London to condemn Balfour celebrations






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