Students of the Tirana Institute of the deaf are learning a profession in the newly rehabilitated workshops of the ‘Deaf Students Institute’ in Tirana. The acquired vocational skills will enable these students to find a job in the labor market as either carpenters, shoemakers, or tailors. The rehabilitation of the workshops at the ‘Deaf Students Institute’ of Tirana was supported by UNDP social inclusion programme, through funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The New Year could not have come better for the 60 Roma families who entered their new homes on New Year’s Eve. Now they can enjoy the new housing units which will not only improve their lives but also will bring them closer together.

Roma International Week draws attention to a variety of challenges Roma and Egyptian face and calls on society to support their inclusion in development

A week of events was organized in Albania to mark International Roma Day. Bringing a large array of partners and Roma communities together, activities aimed to recognize the unique contribution of Roma in the Albanian society, celebrate Roma culture and values and raise awareness about the many challenges they face.Read more
Meet Ermira who has an appeal: Break the silence, report domestic violence
Meet Roma and Egyptians in Albania whose life changed for the better. Find out why.
If you ever go to Tirana, do visit Migi’s Food Boutique. It offers a unique food experience. She has put her heart and mind into this business. It was not easy to get there. With commitment, right guidance, coaching and hard work she succeeded. Here is her story:

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