Day of Action 2018

Check out photos from this year's International Day of Action for Rivers!
See the face of the global river defender movement

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Latest News

The 2018 Day of Action for Rivers saw over 140 events in 46 countries. See the face of this incredible grassroots, global movement for rivers!
"Our entire outlook is about the health of the river. It took us 175 years. We're not speaking for us; we're speaking for our grandchildren." - Maori sisters and grandmothers, Dianah and...
Meet the phenomenal Congolese women’s rights activist who works every day to empower rural women to claim their rights to energy and water.
Two years ago on March 2, Honduran river defender Berta Cáceres was assassinated for protecting the Gualcarque River from a dam. Today, the president of the dam company was arrested as the...

In The Media

National and international groups are condemning the Brazilian government and dam builders for acts of intimidation against indigenous groups in the Amazon.
The proposal to dam the tributaries worries many who work in the field. This includes women, whose concerns are often overlooked. The impacts of hydropower and other large infrastructure...
A recent trip to the Mekong Basin reminds us that women's voices must be central to decision-making on hydropower, and in broader energy planning for Thailand and the region.
The World Bank is poised to decide whether to refinance loans on a Ugandan dam despite criticism from the bank’s own watchdog that workers’ rights were violated on the project.