. .. … + * + ::: Okupa! ::: & ::: Squat! ::: – * –

Mail server down (April 6th, 2018 )

The squat!net email server is currently struggling. Emails might arrive very delayed or possibly not at all.
Radar users may want to use radar-events [at] riseup [dot] net to stay in touch. The radar GPG key remains the same: https://radar.squat.net/en/contact

English – en.squat.net :

Français – fr.squat.net :

Deutsch – de.squat.net :

Español – es.squat.net :

Polski – pl.squat.net :

Euskara – eus.squat.net :

Català – ca.squat.net :

Italiano – it.squat.net :

Nederlands – nl.squat.net :

Português – pt.squat.net :

Türkçe – tr.squat.net :

عربي – ar.squat.net :

Videos – video.squat.net :