2018 Global Atheist Convention – Reason to Hope


We regret to advise that the 2018 Global Atheist Convention, Reason to Hope, has been cancelled.

If you are a ticket holder, you are entitled to a refund (including fees) and refunds were processed in the week of 4 December 2017.

When will I get my money back?
Refunds were processed in the week of 4 December 2017 and are expected to be in your bank account by no later than 15 December 2017.
I've already booked flights/accommodation - will the AFA compensate me for those?
As per the Convention's refund policy, in the event of cancellation only the purchase price of the ticket (including fees) is refundable. We are sorry that cancellation has placed you in a difficult situation, but we could not proceed with the Convention given the level of ticket sales.
Why did the AFA announce the GAC if it wasn't sure it would go ahead?
The Convention Committee secured Victorian government funding, a great program of speakers and the same venue that housed the successful 2010 and 2012 conventions. With those elements, the AFA proceeded with the Convention. However, ticket sales have been substantially below expectations and below the levels for previous conventions, so, unfortunately, the Convention cannot proceed.

For any other queries, please email events@atheistfoundation.org.au.