We understand that the number one reason for study is achieving your chosen career. That’s why our courses are designed together with industry, to ensure that you learn the skills employers are looking for – now, and in the future.

Because our courses are so relevant to the workplace, many have been recognised by leading organisations as industry-standard. Just some of our many accrediting organisations include:

  • Australian Marketing Institute

  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council

  • Australian Psychology Accreditation Council

  • CPA Australia

  • Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia

  • Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia

  • Victorian Institute of Teaching.

You can find out more about our accreditations when you search our course pages

Our industry connections

We have over 4000 links with industry across our teaching and research, making us one of the most industry-connected universities in Australia.

Some of our current partners include:

Our teachers and adjunct professors are also industry professionals. Many of our teachers are currently working in their field of expertise or are renowned nationally and internationally.

Practical learning

When you study with us, you don't just learn about your future workplace – you learn in it!

Practical learning and placement opportunities can be anything from projects with partners, to formal work placements, paid employment or structured volunteering.

Lorcan Mathews is working with the next generation of local footballers as Melbourne Victory Academy’s U15 Team Manager.

"For me, VU is the benchmark in combining elite sport facilities and opportunities for students. Through my masters degree, I’m gaining an unparalleled view into the strategies that sporting organisations, bodies and clubs use to achieve success."

Read Lorcan's story.

Industry-standard facilities

At VU, we give you the best chance to succeed in your industry by making sure that you learn using the latest techniques and equipment.

For example, our music and sound production students study at Kindred Studios, a professional music rehearsal, performance and recording space.

Trades students get hands-on at our multi-million dollar Construction Hub at Sunshine Campus with Concrete Laboratory, Engine Laboratory, Power Systems Laboratory and more.

Our sport students learn in our $68 million state-of-the-art research facilities, including the altitude hotelmotor control and biofeedback labs.

You'll also gain practical experience in our student-run public services which include:

"The VU student-run osteopathy clinic is also fantastic grounding for moving into private practice.

I now run two successful multidisciplinary clinics with nearly 40 staff."

Osteopath Paul Hermann used his studies at VU as a springboard to an exciting career.