Throughout your studies you may choose to undertake a short course or single units from our award courses. You can do this to expand your skills, explore study areas outside of your course or simply to have fun while learning something new.

You could spend a few hours taking a short course, or you could study overseas for a semester or a year.

Short courses

We offer a wide variety of short courses if you would like to:

  • upgrade your business, communication or computer skills
  • gain credit towards your next qualification
  • have fun learning something new.

Find out more about short courses.

Cross-institutional study (within Australia)

Throughout your course at VU, you may be able to apply to study a unit at another institution. This is called ‘cross-institutional study’.

Current VU students (outbound)

If you are a current VU student, you can undertake a subject at another institution that will contribute towards completion of your course.

You are considered an ‘outbound’ student, and should apply using the  cross-institutional outbound application form.

Non-VU students (inbound)

If you are not a VU student, and are enrolled in a course at another institution, you can apply to study a unit at VU that will be counted towards completion of your course at your home institution.

You are considered an ‘inbound’ student, and should apply using the  cross-institutional inbound application form.


Study overseas

if you would like to study overseas while gaining credit towards your course at VU, there are a number of options available.

You can study on an exchange placement with a partner institution, study abroad with an institution of your choice or join a study tour or short term program.

Find out more about studying overseas, including how to apply.

Single units of study

Single units of study are also an ideal opportunity to:

  • quickly update your skills and knowledge in a specific area
  • explore a new area if you are considering a career change or seeking a promotion
  • learn more about something that's always fascinated you (such as learning a new language)
  • find out if you'd like to pursue the subject before you enrol in a whole course.

Find out more about the single units of study offered.

Further study

If you’ve successfully completed a single unit of study, you may seek credit for that unit when you apply to do further study in an award course (degree qualification).

Find out more about credits for skills & past study.

Contact us

If you want more information , please feel free to contact us.