The goal of this research is to provide key partner industries with the required systems, policies, practices and technologies to effectively respond to constantly changing political, economic, social and technological landscapes.

Research topics supporting industry responses to change

Enquiry in this field spans many different discipline areas such as economics and business development, and engineering and scientific innovation. Research programs operate in areas as diverse as:

  • developing sustainable bio-based particleboards from organic waste
  • engineered packaging and distribution
  • financial literacy management
  • managing urban water systems including energy recovery in the water distribution systems, water treatment, resource planning and management.
  • privacy-preserving data sharing
  • social, economic and environmental impact of major sporting events
  • technological advancements for the food processing industry including rapid identification techniques for spoilage/pathogenic organisms in food
  • tourism innovation, entrepreneurship and international transformation
  • fire engineering including developing fire-proofing coating for façade structures
  • structural mechanics and sustainable material.


Because this area of research supports the needs of our industry partners both in Australia and abroad, we work closely with our colleagues at:

  • Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • City West Water
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • Fire Protection Research Foundation (USA)
  • Veolia Water
  • Water Research Australia.

Research support

Our research in this focus area is supported by our newly formed Institute of Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities and Institute for Sport, Health and Active Living. Additionally, research is also undertaken by the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) and Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES).

Prior to 2018, aspects of research in this area were undertaken by:

Contact us

We are keen to engage with local, national and international research organisations, industries, communities and governments to undertake research that has a substantial and mutually beneficial impact.

Contact us to find out how you can work with us.
