About VU

Vision, mission & strategy

As the University of Opportunity and Success, we will be open and excellent, creating exceptional value for any student from any background and uplifting the communities in which we operate.

We will achieve this vision by:

  • Providing high quality, engaging career-based tertiary education at all levels of vocational and higher education with flexible entry and exit points, appropriate pathways, engaging and rigorous curriculum and contemporary delivery; while maintaining rigorous standards and ensuring that all students are supported to meet those standards.
  • Undertaking high quality and innovative applied and translational research which results in healthier, smarter and sustainable communities in the West of Melbourne and beyond, and connecting deeply with industry and the community, in turn enhancing the quality of teaching and learning.

Message from our Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Peter Dawkins

"Over the course of our one hundred year history, we have proudly focused on creating education and training opportunities for students in the West of Melbourne and beyond.

Our aim is to be a great university of the 21st century. We will provide exceptional value to our students, guiding them to succeed through personalised, flexible and industry relevant learning opportunities.

The applied and translational research by our staff and their students, as well as our graduates as employees and citizens, will enhance social and economic outcomes in our heartland. Healthier, smarter and more sustainable communities will result.

In the 21st century it is almost impossible to be a successful participant in the global knowledge economy or society without a tertiary education. A great university in the 21st century needs to provide an offer to students that emphasises and values diversity and inclusivity. Victoria University is your university of opportunity and success." Professor Peter Dawkins, Vice-Chancellor and President

Our strategy

This is an exciting and challenging time for VU. We have a great opportunity to develop a dynamic university model that is relevant to the needs and aspirations of contemporary learners and the community of the 21st century.

Our strategic plan articulates the actions we need to take to position ourselves as an outstanding and open university, through:

  • offering tertiary education at all levels, with flexible entry and exit points, to any student who seeks a tertiary education to develop their careers
  • undertaking high quality research and research training that reflects the interests and needs of our students and staff and has significant impact on industry and community
  • offering leading edge career-based education from pre-vocational certificates to PhDs, to help students develop themselves as employees and entrepreneurs
  • further increasing the impact of our applied and translational research.

Download: Strategic Plan 2016–2020, The University of Opportunity & Success

In November 2017, our Vice Chancellor and President Professor Peter Dawkins (AO) has released a White Paper, which joins all the elements of the university’s significant transformational agenda.

Read more about our transformational agenda in our White Paper on the Future of Victoria University.