About VU

What you can support

Financial gifts support a range of programs and assist us in creating opportunities that benefit VU students and our wider community.

You can direct your support to a particular area, or provide it for the University to direct to areas of immediate and greatest need.

Current funding priorities

Our current priorities for funding include:

  • securing and expanding our scholarship program
  • improving the student learning experience
  • enhancing our research capability
  • community wellbeing programs in Melbourne’s west.

Additionally, our Changing the Face of Education campaign aims to provide opportunities for VU students and the wider VU community.

By providing opportunities through scholarships, you can help remove barriers to education for students who may otherwise not have the opportunity to study.

Enhancing our research expertise and capabilities means we can make a positive impact in the wider community. Our research informs teaching and learning, enhances the student experience, and can be applied to benefit industry and communities in Australia and overseas.

Donations also help us to enrich the student experiences VU provides that prepare them for the real world.

As the only university in Melbourne's west, our connection with community is vital. VU plays a crucial role in programs aimed to improve education and health outcomes in the face of unique challenges faced by the region.

Your generosity can help us advance in each of these focus areas.

Make an online donation today or complete the donation form.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.


In 'What you can support':

Contact the Advancement Office

To find out more about supporting VU, our students and our wider community, contact the Advancement Office.

Phone: +61 3 9919 1014

Email: advancement@vu.edu.au