Leave a bequest

Leaving a gift in your will to Victoria University ensures a lasting legacy by creating opportunities for future generations to access education and training.

There are several types of bequests including:

  • a residual bequest (what is left of your estate once all legacies and costs have been paid)
  • a percentage of an estate
  • a pecuniary bequest (a specific sum)
  • assets such as real estate, shares and/or works of art.

You can make a bequest in your own name, or you can choose to honour someone important in your life by making a bequest in their name.

Your bequest will be managed by the Victoria University Foundation. The Foundation acts as a trustee for all bequests to ensure they’re used in the way in which you intended.

Types of bequests

No matter what form your bequest takes, we will ensure it's directed to the right area to achieve your intentions.

If you are considering leaving a bequest to VU, we encourage you to contact the Advancement Office so we can provide further guidance on the process.

The University recommends that you consult your legal adviser in preparing your bequest, however some indicative wording is set out below as a guide.

Remember to seek professional advice or assistance of a solicitor when preparing your will.

General purpose

“I give Victoria University Foundation ABN 69 012 680 193 [insert details of gift] for the general purpose of the University.”

Specific purpose

“I give Victoria University Foundation ABN 69 012 680 193 [insert details of gift] for [program area i.e. scholarships, research] in the field of [insert general description of area of interest].

Contact the Advancement Office

To find out more about supporting VU, contact the Advancement Office.

Phone: +61 3 9919 1014
Email: advancement@vu.edu.au