Turkey’s war on Afrin is an attack not only on Kurdish self-determination, but on democracy and women's liberation in the Middle East.

Progressive, activist campaign groups such as GetUp!, 350.org and Friends of the Earth have been in the federal Coalition government’s sights for some time, but a new bill threatens to frustrate the work of all human rights, environmental, women’s, international aid and social justice NGOs and charities.

Communist and feminist Zelda D’Aprano became the symbol of the fight for equal pay when, in October 1969, she chained herself to the Commonwealth Offices in Melbourne, after becoming frustrated at the lack of pay equity for women.

Moreland City Council has joined 10 South Australian local councils calling for an increase in the Newstart Allowance thanks to a motion from Sue Bolton.

The federal Coalition government has launched a broadside in favour of its plan to cut company tax for big corporations from 30% to 25%, while slashing spending on social welfare and the public sector, using the pretext of 'controversy' over an ABC journalist's article on the topic.

Taking inspiration from a wide range of new left projects and alliances across Europe, Potere al Popolo is a significant development in the revival of socialist sentiment in Italy and Europe.

Barnaby Joyce thought he was untouchable. But for the Turnbull government in crisis, it now looks like he could be dispensable.

We need transport solutions that put commuter need and the environment before corporate greed.

In response to widespread protests against corruption and the removal of food subsidies, the Sudanese government has instigated a crackdown on dissent, arresting and torturing opposition leaders, journalists and students.

The February 5 announcement that the Victorian Socialists — an alliance of socialist groups, including the Socialist Alliance — will contest the upper house in the upcoming Victorian elections flags a new, exciting opening for the left and progressive movements.
