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March 28, 2018 - click here for index of articles.

Iraq war 15 years long – War crime continues

This March 20 marked the 15th anniversary of the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq by the “Coalition of the Willing” that included Australia. The ongoing death and destruction in the Middle East and the rise of terrorist organisations such as ISIS are part of the legacy of the conflict begun in March 2003 based on the lie of weapons of mass destruction and the arrogant rejection by one the perpetrators of the crime, John Howard, of the mass demonstrations and clear public opposition to the war.  more ...

Editorial – Plan for a fairer tax system

The labour movement – the trade unions, community organisations – have a responsibility and an opportunity to bring forward a different tax system which is progressive and not regressive and is, at the same time, efficient.  more ...

Solidarity against Venezuela blockade

The Communist Party of Australia condemns in the strongest possible terms the decision of the Australian government to support the US campaign of sabotage and disruption against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The bulk of the countries represented at the gathering supported a motion from the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (NAM) to condemn US actions including the imposition of sanctions, including one last week against Venezuela’s crypto currency, the Petro.  more ...

Call for calm on child comments

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar has used a platform at the United Nations to call for calm in the wake of recent inflammatory public comments about Indigenous children and families.  more ...

Australia’s collision course

Australia has ramped up anti-Chinese rhetoric, challenging Beijing over its growing influence in the Pacific. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Australia, stalwart anti-Chinese Admiral Harry Harris, paints a clear picture of what’s to come.  more ...

Shattering the illusion – We are the total value

When you hear that a CEO or senior executive “earns” millions or even billions, a simple form of reasoning should tear down that particular argument. You can quickly realise that their earnings do not equate to the work that they have done but to other sources of income, such as dividends, interest, rent, or illegal means.  more ...

Film Review – Hostiles

The latest Indigenous big-screen movie Hostiles, with famed stars Wes Studi (Cherokee) and Christian Bale, is evoking a lot of divergent views ranging from very positive to negative but, filled with pluses and minuses as most movies are, it has more redemptive qualities than not.  more ...

Stoking the fires of war

Events in Syria increasingly resemble a direct confrontation between major powers rather than a proxy war. An alarming warning by Sergei Lavrov and Chief of the Russian General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, was announced via the RT broadcaster and several Russian media. The content is explosive and deserving of the widest possible dissemination. Gerasimov claimed that Moscow had “reliable information that fighters are preparing to stage the use by government troops of chemical weapons against the civilian population.”  more ...

Culture & Life – Rape as a weapon

A new report, Rape by Command published by Kaladan Press Network, documents mass violence against women and girls by the Myanmar military, in its 2017 purge of Rohingya people across northern Rakhine State. We met Pippa Curwen, a human rights defender, who helped publish the research.  more ...

Quote of the Week

The law of wages is not upset by the struggle of the trade unions.
On the contrary, it is enforced by them.

Frederick Engels

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, March 27, 2018.

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