11 April 2018

Facebook CEO presents plans for mass censorship at Senate hearing

By Andre Damon, 11 April 2018

The vast and sweeping dangers to democratic rights posed by Facebook’s censorship measures were universally cheered by all the Democratic Congressmen.

Facebook intensifies censorship ahead of congressional testimony by Zuckerberg

Behind the Facebook data scandal: The drive to censor the Internet

US media demands full-scale assault against Syria

By James Cogan, 11 April 2018

The New York Times and Washington Post have sent a clear message to Trump that a limited attack will be denounced as worse than useless.

On the brink of war: US and NATO prepare military strike on Syria

France and UK spar to be leading US military partner in Syria

By Chris Marsden, 11 April 2018

The UK’s standing with Washington was undermined in 2013, when Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron called a parliamentary vote on a planned strike on Syria and lost.

UK and French forces on ground in Syria as US prepares wider war

Canada rallies behind US in its incendiary anti-Russia offensive

By Roger Jordan, 11 April 2018

Canada has signalled its support for the coming US attack on Syria, by pledging to work with its “international partners” to punish Syria and “its backers” with “all available means.”

Oklahoma teachers’ strike continues as governor rejects funding demands

By Jerry White, 11 April 2018

The Oklahoma Education Association is trying to end the strike on the basis of a rotten deal that abandons the teachers’ main demands.

Mass turnout at state capitol as Oklahoma teachers’ strike enters second week

Build rank-and-file committees to unite with teachers in Arizona and Kentucky!
Mobilize the working class behind striking Oklahoma educators!

More on US teachers »

Yulia Skripal discharged from hospital and taken to secret location

By Robert Stevens, 11 April 2018

The same treatment will likely be meted out to Sergei Skripal, with Salisbury hospital announcing he will be discharged in “due course.”

Britain piles on lies to shore up Skripal poisoning accusations against Russia

UK higher education and university staff oppose union sellout ahead of ballot result

By Thomas Scripps, 11 April 2018

There is strong resistance to the University and College Union’s attempted sell-out of the pension dispute by university staff who oppose the bureaucracy’s lying claims.

UK workers protest Special Educational Needs and Disabilities cuts by Bradford’s Labour council

By Tania Kent, 10 April 2018

The cuts will result in the loss of 25-30 members of staff across Bradford, with the aim of saving an estimated £770,000 a year.

Students protest against Macron as strikes against austerity mount in France

By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, 11 April 2018

All over the country, students are occupying campuses and holding general assemblies and demonstrations.

Strikes mount as National Assembly opens debate on French rail privatization

Swiss whistleblower Falciani arrested in Spain on order from Switzerland

By Marianne Arens, 11 April 2018

Hervé Falciani, who exposed thousands of cases of tax evasion, now faces extradition to Switzerland, in a deal that could include the extradition of two Catalonian politicians.

Michigan governor ends state water distribution in Flint

By Lawrence Porter and James Brewer, 11 April 2018

Snyder justified this latest provocation against the residents, who have suffered years of lead-poisoned water, by citing test levels, despite scientists insisting that no amount of lead in water is safe.

Republicans target food stamp benefits in new farm bill

By Trévon Austin, 11 April 2018

The proposed new five-year farm bill would expand the work requirements for food stamps.

Proposed Illinois budget continues assault on workers and sets stage for November elections

By Michael Walters and Alexander Fangmann, 11 April 2018

Part of the savings Rauner, a billionaire, intends to make, would go to lowering the state income tax rate from 4.95 percent to 4.7 percent, almost exclusively benefiting the extremely wealthy.

Togo doctors strike over disastrous state of public hospitals

By Eddie Haywood, 11 April 2018

The government is starving funding for health care, spending the criminally negligent amount of just $16 per person in a country of nearly 8 million.

Malaysian parliament dissolved for snap general election

By John Roberts, 11 April 2018

The government is using every means at its disposal to undermine the opposition and reverse its poor results at the 2013 elections.

Australian asylum seekers stripped of minimal welfare payments

By Max Newman, 11 April 2018

As of this month, over 12,000 refugees are at risk of being left destitute and forced to return to the countries they fled.

New in Russian

Космолог Стивен Хокинг уходит из жизни в возрасте 76 лет

Брайан Дайн, 11 апреля 2018 г.

Хокинг, проживший большую часть своей жизни, страдая от болезни Лу Герига, был одним из самых значительных космологов, а также выдающимся популяризатором физики.

New in Norwegian

Den internasjonale betydningen av Marsjér-for-våre-liv-demonstrasjonene

Eric London, 11 April 2018

Massedemonstrasjonene i hjertet av verdensimperialismen peker på intensiveringen av sosiale spenninger og klassekampen over hele verden.

«Jeg er motivert for å gjøre den forandringen for våre kommende generasjoner»
Elever, ungdom uttaler seg om krig, ulikhet ved Marsjér-for-våre-liv-demonstrasjonen i Washington DC

11 April 2018

Videregåendeelever og annen ungdom som deltok i demonstrasjonen hadde langt mer på hjertet enn våpenkontroll og midtperiodevalgene – sakene fremmet av media og Det demokratiske partiet.

SGP - Det sosialistiske likestillingspartiet i Tyskland krever umiddelbar løslatelse av Carles Puigdemont

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 11 April 2018

De tyske myndighetenes arrestasjon av Puigdemont er en vilkårlig rettshandling karakteristisk for et autoritært regime.

Avsatt katalansk premier Carles Puigdemont arrestert i Tyskland

Alejandro López, 11 April 2018

Beslutningen om å arrestere Puigdemont i Tyskland, der kriminalloven straffer forsøk på løsrivelse med dommer opp til livstidsfengsel, åpner for utlevering til Spania.

Avskaffelsen av demokratiske rettigheter
Den tyske regjeringens rolle ved fengslingen av Öcalan

Ute Reissner, 11 April 2018

Denne artikkelen publiserte WSWS i 1999 og er oversatt nå i kontekst av Tyrkias invasjon i Syria og i lys av den nylig innsatte storkoalisjonsregjeringen i Tysklands pågripelse av forhenværende og eksilerte regionalpremier i Catalonia Carles Puigdemont.

New in Spanish

Al borde de la guerra: EUA y la OTAN preparan un ataque militar contra Siria

Por Keith Jones, 11 abril 2018

Las élites gobernantes en EUA y Europa ven la guerra como un medio para revertir sus pérdidas geopolíticas en Oriente Próximo y para reprimir la oposición política interna.

El Nuevo Partido Anticapitalista intenta estrangular huelgas ferroviarias en Francia

Por Alex Lantier, 11 abril 2018

Cincuenta años después de la huelga general de 1968, el pablista NPA insiste en que los trabajadores deberían tomar órdenes de organizaciones que admite que apoyan los ataques contra los trabajadores ferroviarios.

Informe detalla crecimiento masivo de la desigualdad en todo el mundo

Por Eric London, 11 abril 2018

El informe concluye que si los multimillonarios del mundo continúan aumentando su riqueza al ritmo actual, con el tiempo "poseerán el 100 por ciento de la riqueza mundial".

El New York Times: ¿etnia o clase?
¿Qué determina la movilidad social estadounidense? Segunda Parte

Por Eric London, 11 abril 2018

El New York Times presenta un ensayo del grupo no gubernamental Equality of Opportunity para demostrar que las divisiones étnicas, y no las divisiones de clase, fundamentan el estatus social ¿Qué dicen las estadísticas?

Los sindicatos buscan cooptar y suprimir la huelga de los maestros en Oklahoma cuando crece el apoyo para ampliar la lucha

Por el Partido Socialista por la Igualdad, 11 abril 2018

En el momento en que la huelga de decenas de miles de maestros y auxiliares en Oklahoma llega a su segunda semana, los trabajadores afrontan una encrucijada de suma importancia.

Liberan al dirigente catalán Carles Puigdemont de la cárcel en Alemania

Por Ulrich Rippert, 11 abril 2018

Puigdemont no puede salir de Alemania hasta nuevo aviso, tuvo que pagar una fianza de €75.000 y tiene que personarse en la policía una vez por semana.

New in Turkish

Savaşın eşiğinde: ABD ve NATO Suriye’ye askeri saldırıya hazırlanıyor

Keith Jones, 11 Nisan 2018

ABD ve NATO, Suriye’de, nükleer silah sahibi Rusya ile doğrudan çatışmaya yol açabilecek büyük bir gerginliğin eşiğinde.

Türkiye, Rusya ve İran devlet başkanları Ankara’da bir araya geldi

Halil Çelik, 11 Nisan 2018

Üçlü zirve, emperyalist ülkelerin egemen seçkinleri içinde Suriye savaşı ve Rusya ile İran’a yönelik tavır konusunda süregiden anlaşmazlıkların ortasında yapıldı.

ABD daha geniş savaşa hazırlanırken, Britanya ve Fransa güçleri Suriye’de

Halil Çelik, 11 Nisan 2018

Dün, Britanya Başbakanı Theresa May ve Fransa Devlet Başkanı Emmanuel Macron, Suriye’de, ABD ile olası bir askeri saldırı dahil olmak üzere eşgüdümlü eyleme hazır olduklarını belirtti.

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi Kaliforniya’daki ara seçim adaylarını açıklıyor

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin açıklaması, 11 Nisan 2018

Moore ve Mitchell, Kaliforniya’daki ve tüm dünyadaki işçi sınıfının çıkarları doğrultusunda, savaş ve kapitalizm karşıtı sosyalist bir programla yarışacaklar.

New in French

Les forces britanniques et françaises sur le terrain en Syrie, les États-Unis préparent une guerre plus large

Halil Celik, 11 avril 2018

L’attaque aux armes chimiques alléguée constitue une excuse tellement commode pour que les deux pays approfondissent leurs opérations en Syrie.

Au bord de la guerre : les États-Unis et l’OTAN préparent une frappe militaire contre la Syrie

Keith Jones, 11 avril 2018

Les élites dirigeantes américaine et européenne voient dans la guerre un moyen non seulement d’inverser une série de revers géopolitiques au Moyen-Orient, mais aussi de réprimer l’opposition politique intérieure.

Les responsables de l’Administration Trump tentent de calmer les craintes de la guerre commerciale

Nick Beams, 11 avril 2018

Le directeur du Conseil national du commerce de la Maison-Blanche, Peter Navarro, a souligné l’importance cruciale du développement de la haute technologie, à la fois pour la suprématie économique et la suprématie militaire des États-Unis.

Ontario: Les libéraux présentent un budget «de compassion» avant les élections

Roger Jordan, 11 avril 2018

Après avoir réduit les dépenses sociales et interdit les grèves pour imposer des réductions des salaires, les libéraux se présentent cyniquement comme l'antipode «progressiste» des conservateurs pro-patronaux.

New in German

Am Rande des Krieges: USA und Nato bereiten Militärschlag gegen Syrien vor

Keith Jones, 11. April 2018

Die herrschenden Eliten der USA und Europas sehen Krieg nicht nur als eine Möglichkeit, ihre geopolitischen Rückschläge im Nahen Osten auszugleichen, sondern auch um gegen politischen Widerstand im Inneren vorzugehen.

Streik im öffentlichen Dienst: Wachsende Wut über Löhne und Arbeitsbedingungen

unseren Reportern, 11. April 2018

Der Streik ist von einem fundamentalen Widerspruch geprägt. Während die Beschäftigten aller Bereiche extrem wütend über immer schlechtere Arbeitsbedingungen sind, setzen die Gewerkschaften alles daran, wirklichen Widerstand zu verhindern.

“Berlin brennt” – Widerstand der Berliner Feuerwehrleute wirft politische Fragen auf

der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei, 11. April 2018

Seit nunmehr drei Wochen protestieren die Feuerwehrleute vor dem Berliner Rathaus gegen katastrophale Arbeitsbedingungen und Personalmangel.

Nationalversammlung debattiert über Privatisierung der Eisenbahn:
Wachsende Streiks in Frankreich

Alex Lantier, 11. April 2018

Die Arbeiter bei Air France streiken seit gestern für höhere Löhne, und die Eisenbahner haben am Montag mit dem vierten Tag ihrer rotierenden Streiks begonnen.

Other Languages


The noose tightens around Trump

11 April 2018

The extraordinary events of Monday suggest that a criminal indictment of the president, or the threat of one, is overtaking a strategy based on impeachment.

Earlier Perspectives »

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

Two weeks since WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange silenced by Ecuador

By Niles Niemuth, 11 April 2018

It is no coincidence that Assange has been shut off from any form of communication with the outside world as the US and its allies prepare for an escalation of war in Syria and beyond.

Journalists, filmmakers, artists demand end to persecution of Julian Assange

2 April 2018

Why has Ecuador silenced Julian Assange?

Oklahoma teachers discuss Internet censorship and the unification of workers struggles across the US

Visit wsws.org/endcensorship to register for the April 22 conference "The Class Struggle and the Fight Against Internet Censorship".

More on internet censorship »

Capitalism and the artificial intelligence revolution

By Andre Damon, 6 April 2018

Google workers demand end to company’s involvement in drone murder

WSWS/SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

More on Internet censorship » »


New Zealand barrister defends principle of presumption of innocence

By John Braddock, 11 April 2018

Michael Bott said that an automatic “believe the victim” starting point in a prosecution “can and must have no place in criminal trials.”

FBI raids home, office of Trump’s personal attorney

By Patrick Martin, 10 April 2018

Palace coup or class struggle: The political crisis in Washington and the strategy of the working class

Turkish, Russian and Iranian presidents meet in Ankara

By Halil Celik, 10 April 2018

The pseudo-left’s silent complicity in the drive to war against Syria and Russia

By Tom Hall, 10 April 2018

New Anti-capitalist Party seeks to strangle French rail strikes

By Alex Lantier, 10 April 2018

Fifty years after May-June 1968, the class struggle erupts in France

Report details massive growth of inequality worldwide

By Eric London, 10 April 2018

The New York Times on race and class
What determines social mobility in America?
Part two

East Kentucky residents hit by rate hikes and shutoffs of undrinkable water

By Phyllis Steele, 10 April 2018

SEP 2018 election campaign

SEP congressional candidates hold initial meetings in San Diego and Berkeley

By Evan Blake, 10 April 2018

New dates in Newark and Tracy
Public meetings in California: The Socialist Equality Party campaign in the 2018 midterm elections

Socialist Equality Party announces California candidates in midterm elections
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party

3 April 2018

David Moore, SEP candidate for the US Senate, and Kevin Mitchell, SEP candidate in the 51st Congressional District, will run on a socialist, anti-war and anti-capitalist program in the interests of the working class in California and around the world.

Mehring Books

Mehring Books publishes The CIA Democrats

7 April 2018

Mehring Books has published The CIA Democrats, a detailed exposure of the effective takeover of the 2018 Democratic Party congressional campaign by candidates drawn from the ranks of former intelligence agents, special forces operatives, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and civilian national security operatives from the State Department, National Security Council and Pentagon.

Arts Review

Restored version of Fassbinder’s working class drama Eight Hours Don’t Make a Day showing in US

By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier, 9 April 2018

Japanese animation filmmaker Isao Takahata, director of Grave of the Fireflies, dies at 82

By Elle Chapman and David Walsh, 7 April 2018

68th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 8
Brothers (1929) and Comradeship (1931): Two films dealing with the workers movement

By Bernd Reinhardt, 6 April 2018

68th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 7
A fresh look at German cinema in the Weimar Republic era (1919-1933)

Babylon Berlin: A lavish television series about 1920s’ Germany

The controversy surrounding the Roseanne television series

By David Walsh, 4 April 2018

25 years ago: Riots erupt after ANC leader assassinated in South Africa

On April 10, 1993, Chris Hani, head of the Communist Party of South Africa and the Umkhonto we Sizwe militia arm of the African National Congress, was gunned down outside his home in the racially-mixed suburb of Boksburg.

More »

50 years ago: Student demonstrations, street fighting, in West Germany after failed assassination

On April 11, 1968, the near-killing of West German radical student youth leader Alfred Willi Rudolf “Rudi” Dutschke by an anti-communist gunman caused an eruption of demonstrations and fighting across West Germany.

More »

75 years ago: Nazis carry out mass murder of Jews in modern-day Ukraine

On April 9, 1943, Nazi officials at the Zborow concentration camp in Eastern Poland carried out a mass killing of Jewish workers, children and the elderly. An estimated 2,300 people were shot to death of the first day of the massacre, followed by further murders throughout the week.

More »


100 years ago: Germany occupies Helsinki, crushes Finnish revolution

On April 12, 1918, thousands of German soldiers, moving from land and sea, attacked the Finnish capital of Helsinki and moved to crush the Red Guards and militant workers that had, in the preceding months, led the Finnish Revolution.

More »

Autoworkers Struggles

Chicago Ford workers speak out against treatment of temporary part-timers

By Marcus Day and Jessica Goldstein, 9 April 2018

Four months since the death of a young Ford worker
Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 22 February 2018

Socialist Equality Party

Halt the thuggery of non-academic union bureaucrats against WSWS reporters

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 4 April 2018

A WSWS journalist and photographer was violently attacked by union officials at a meeting of striking non-academic employees in the Colombo suburbs on March 27.

The Grenfell Tower Fire

London residents draw connection between Grenfell and Kemerovo fires

By our reporters, 7 April 2018

UK: Grenfell fire inquiry withholds vital evidence from the bereaved and survivors

Grenfell Tower combustible cladding was never tested

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Education Fightback Forum

Socialist Equality Party (UK) holds online meeting for education workers and students

By our reporters, 2 April 2018

Education Fightback forum hears special needs teacher: “A 30 percent increase in class size with the same level of staffing”

By our reporters, 2 April 2018

Education Fightback forum:UK lecturer speaks on casualisation of Higher Education sector

By our reporters, 2 April 2018

WSWS 20th Anniversary Fund

Donate to support coverage of mass rallies!

The WSWS and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) organized real-time social media news coverage of the mass rallies against the epidemic of school shootings in the US, and provided a political perspective for a new generation of workers and young people entering into political life.

Donate now so that we can continue this work!

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

NHS Fightback

NHS FightBack: Reject health trade unions’ sellout NHS pay deal!

Statement by the Socialist Equality Party, 23 March 2018

More on NHS Fightback »


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality! Take up the fight for socialism!

By the IYSSE (Australia), 14 March 2018

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) distributed the following statement at university orientation week events across Australia and in New Zealand.