White Male Privilege

by MatraK AttakK

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additional vocals on 1, 5, 6 by H.
additional vocals on 3 by P.


released July 5, 2018


all rights reserved



MatraK AttakK Belgium

MatraK AttakK is a 4 or 5 piece crust/anarchogrind band from Liege.

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Track Name: White Male Privilege
White male privilege

can't see anarchism without feminism!

'cause patriarchy has always been linked to capitalism
refuse catholic religion 'cos it's the same shit
privileged white male made the modern society
as god... created...
as god created humans starting from HIMself
eva coming from a rib, sexism can be spread
to silent women, queer and transpeople
dominate the poor, people of colour and feed the hatred

Binarity - serves patriarchy
Gender roles - are stupid
A way - to Dominance
A need - for Power

we refuse to feed the heterosexual social machine!

their power engine should be sabotaged
show your 'queerness' refuse to marry
if it's not to avoid all the borders' norms
as god...created...

heteropatriarchal manners are a way to white male domination
destroy this cistem and gender expectations
abandon the family dream kill your own sexist myth!
destroy the white male privilege
recognise your own cis privilege
Ban all society self fullfilling old bigotry dreams!
Track Name: Those Countries Of Yours

Nationalism has risen look around you
Flags of hatred, flags of doom
Fear and insecurities spreaded around

Believing that refugees
have to be stopped and also killed.

Empathie's gone, people don't listen!
they say migration is the cause
of poverty problems in those 'countries of yours'!
while capitalism kills even 'his folks'!

No guilt and no remorse
to send people back to their homes
destroyed by rich countries arms
peace missions of legal rapists.

We bomb countries and kill everyday
and if a bomb explodes here everybody goes insane
destroy all the borders they are to blame!
Track Name: Sexist Looks
why we still care why we still judge, why we don't see the reality of things
patriarchy still impose us, behaviours that no woman should accept
if we are ourselves however we are we don't care if our behaviour is ''right''
we don't mind how much we are despised however we act and we don't need your advise

tell us what to wear, how to socialise and do
tell us who to fuck and how often we should
insults and frustrations that male mind let go there is no blame in being who you are and how you love
fingers pointed, sluts & whores
all the patriarchist point of view
psychological violence, sexist looks


why we still care why we still judge, why we don't see the reality of things
patriarchy still impose us, behaviours that no woman should accept
if we are ourselves however we are we don't care if our behaviour is 'right'
we don't mind how much we are despised however we act and we don't need your advise

tell us what to wear, how to socialise and do
tell us who to fuck and how often you should
insults and frustrations that male mind let go there is no blame in being who you are and how you love
fingers pointed, sluts & whores
all the patriarchist point of view
psychological violence, sexist looks
Track Name: Personalita' Autoritaria
Assassini legali torturatori laureati
Aiutanti disumanizzati, fascisti constatati :
sbirri, militari e pichiatri!

Rinchiudete la gente in prigione o in psichiatria
e nessuno si chiede della vostra malattia
credete ciecamente e seguite gli ordini,
cio' che é storto va raddrizzato, torturato e poi,
legate le persone, uccidete gli innocenti
e tutto in nome dei capi potenti

Il D.S.M.
é una calunnia

Neurolettici e rilatina con le benzo. fate il cocktail
e non vi frega niente se vi svengono davanti
cercate solo clienti drogati e paganti
la personalità autoritaria é l'unico vero problema
col vostro sangue freddo, uccidete a catena.

Bruciate le bandiere,
il D.S.M.
bloccate gli sbirri
boicottate tutti i fascismi

Assassini legali, torturatori laureati
aiutanti disumanizzati, fascisti constatati
sbirri, militari e psichiatri
eredi del dogma disumanizzanti.
Track Name: Nazi vlaams Fuck Off

slim spelen of eerlijkheid, geen medelijden geen hoffelijkheid
enkel een oude vuile hoop, gellukig zijn is te koop.
wanneer zal het allemaal eindigen waarom kunnen mensen maar beledigen?
waarom is zo vreemd een stand in te nemen?

nu dat faschos zijn overal getolereerd
als je ni belgisch bent wordt je geviseerd, als je ni slijmt wordt je geisoleerd.
daar waar seksime en nationalisme zouden minder sterk moeten zijn
hebben wij nog, vlaamse fascisten die beweren dat niet zijn!

apolitische faschisten bestaan niet,
'sieg heil roepende stemmen' zal ik er nooit aan wennen!

ze dragen vlaggen tegen dierenmishandeling
en zorgen voor het belang van vlamingen
ze willen vluchtelingen dood maar geen schattige dieren!
dan drinken ze Leffe om te vieren!

wrm gaat 't al zo SNEL
er is geen TIJD
voor een UITWEG

maar ze zijn te fascho om het ni te zijn,
vlaamse leeuwen op uw vest, doen mij zeker pijn!
Track Name: Mostly Sorrow
lyrics in the album 'CURA'

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