(record review)Descendents-“Who we are”(Epitaph)

Epitaph released this 7 inch by Descendents as an exclusive for the Record store day 2018.


The record contains two previously unreleased tracks and I loved all the tracks on this record, knowing that Descendents are one of my all time favourite melodic punkrock bands. Somehow, my favourite is “Opt in” being a bit better in my opinion than “Pavlov´s cat” and “Who we are” is an anthem that every punk should listen at least three times in a row with excellent lyrics and song theme. This is a benefit record, punk being done in good cause, like always.





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(record review)Jack 13´s Panzercrow-“Nightmare Returns”

There is one excellent horrorpunk band from Finland, namely Scarecrow. They play tight and darkened horrorpunk with a lot of hardcore and some metal influences. Now, Jack 13 is their frontman and this is his new solo effort and this record is darkened horrorpunk in its greatest form, so I am happy I was able to listen to and review it for this zine.


Coming from the small town of Hyvinkää, there is nothing but darkness, horror and depression to come with this music. Also, all of the named above is packed into excellent melodies, harsh but melodic vocals that kinda remind me in some ways of The Crimson Ghosts vocals in some songs. There are 10 songs on this record and I loved every single of them. From the classic horror punk of “Nightslashers” across almost dark baladesque romance of “Burning angels” to awesome thrash metal ending of “Another song of Vincent Price”, this album rules! This is another proof that horrorpunk scene is so much more and so much greater than all of those who think that it is a fake and phoney scene made of Misfits clones. Quite the contrary, it is a scene where so many influences mix with original settings of horrorpunk and make the music and its art original and wonderful.


Follow on Fb: https://www.facebook.com/scarecrowfinland/

Inverse Records: https://www.facebook.com/inverserecords/

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Australia’s AWAKEN I AM continues to break genres with the release of “Dissolution,” their newest video. The brand new track follows the release of their full length album Blind Love.

“This song is a chance for me to get some closure and say some things I never had the chance to say. The new sound and imagery symbolizes taking a step forward, leaving the past and old ways behind,” explains drummer Luke McKenzie.

“After being so blown away from our recent first full tour of the United States earlier this year, we are so excited to come back for a second this summer with CKY and Slaves. The guys in Slaves are good friends and CKY always puts on a killer show, so we are expecting great vibes all around on this tour.”


(with Escape The Fate, Between Kings – Australia)


28 – Perth @ Amplifier Bar

29 – Adelaide @ Fowler’s Live

30 – Richmond @ Corner Hotel


1 – Camperdown @ Manning Bar

2 – Newcastle @ Cambridge Hotel

3 – Newstead @ Triffid

4 – Wellington @ Valhalla Tavern


(with CKY, Slaves, Royal Thunder – US)

1 – Toronto, ON @ Opera House

2 – Detroit, MI @ St. Andrews Hall

4 – Louisville, KY @ Diamond Pub & Billiards

5 – St Louis, MO @ Fubar

7 – Fargo, ND @ Sanctuary Events Center

8 – Iowa City, IA @ Gabe’s Oasis

9 – Lincoln, NE @ Bourbon Theatre

11 – Colorado Springs, CO @ Sunshine Studios Live

12 – Denver, CO @ Bluebird Theater

14 – Vancouver, BC @ Rickshaw Theatre

15 – Seattle, WA @ Revolution

16 – Portland, OR @ Dante’s

19 – Tempe, AZ @ Marquee Theatre

21 – Lubbock, TX @ Jake’s Backroom

23 – Dallas, TX @ Trees

24 – Houston, TX @ Scout Bar

25 – San Antonio, TX @ Alamo City Music Hall

27 – Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade

30 – Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Bazaar

31 – Philadelphia, PA @ Underground Arts


1 – Worcester, MA @ The Palladium



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(horror movie review)HELLRAISER:JUDGEMENT(2018.)

Since I was a kid, my love for the written works of Clive Barker and his worlds and imaginations of the flesh, blood, sex and macabre delighted me. One day, Barker´s book called “Hellbound heart” came in my cold dead hands and I immediately fell in love and read it two or three times in a row.


Imagine my delight and surprise when I discovered that there is also a movie called “Hellraiser” based on that book and I watched the first two movies without blinking for many times in last two decades. The series had many sequels with like first five being decent and then everything turned into shit. The only good thing was legendary Doug Bradley as the main Cenobite demon Pinhead and his oneliners and charisma saving some decency of the latter sequels. The later movies turned out more into some mindfuck horror psychodramas losing everything in boring and incoherent scripts.

Now, they decided to relive the series with the new movie that came out direct on video this year. Written and directed by Gary J. Tunnicliffe this little piece of trash is a disgrace to whats left of the good memories of the original movies series. Like last one that tried to be found footage, this one is also without Doug Bradley as Pinhead, now introducing Paul T. Taylor as Pinhead and he even did a good job, but unfortunately, no one can replace Doug Bradley in this role. The story in the movie revolves around two detectives trying to catch the serial killer that is terrorizing the city. Then, some unexplained and scary stuff starts happening and they are not sure what is real anymore and what isn´t.

This one tried to be some mindfuck psychological horror mixed with some gore, but it failed miserably on both accounts. The acting is terrible, the story got me and the screenplay writer lost after some twenty minutes into the movie and the ending is poor and devoid of any excitement, desire to see more and anything else. I can only weep and put on the dvd´s of the original first two or three Hellraiser movies and maybe they will help me forget this disgrace.


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(record review)NHA-“De Acuerdo”

NHA or No Hay Acuerdo is another band from the mighty South American underground scene, this time from Santiago, Chile. This is their new album, DIY released.


The album contains 9 songs, one of them being No Use For A Name cover “Pacific Standard Time”. The music this band plays is fast and energetic melodic hardcore punk or skatepunk. The lyrics are in Spanish, so once again I cant understand what are they singing about, but I am sure that their hearts belong to the right place. Vocals remind a bit of  younger Tony Sly in early NUFAN phase, so does the music. The songs that I love the most on this album are “Crecimiento” and “Forestville”. You can get this album for free on Bandcamp page, but it would be nice of you in that case just to drop the line to the band, show them some love and your support for what they´re doing, it would mean a lot to the guys in the band.


Follow on Fb: https://www.facebook.com/nhapunkrock

Bandcamp: https://nohayacuerdo.bandcamp.com/album/de-acuerdo


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(record review)THE DOG-“I Am You”(Long Walk Records)

I am always happy when I discover the new band that I like in the vast vaults of the international underground hardcore and punk scene. This time, I am happy being able to listen and review for this zine the new album by THE DOG, hardcore band from Wroclaw, Poland.


This is their studio full length out on Long Walk Records. This album was recorded in the snow covered Sudet mountains delivering nine songs of utter hardcore mayhem, anguish, anger and aggression. The lyrics are in English language and as I can hear without the lyric sheet a fine mix of political and personal issues. This band is very fast, aggressive sounding, but they also deliver some great sludge New Orleans influences in “Drunk with Life” and also “Flirty Fishing”. With this new album the guys wanted to combine the speed of grindcore and powerviolence with sludge and hardcore bands that we listened to in the 90-ies, because I am able to hear a little Biohazard influences in their song structures but also a lot of Crowbar, even in some vocal ranges. Don´t get me wrong these guys are not music clones or copies, this is a powerhouse of hardcore that makes you stomp around and throw your emotions out with screaming the lyrics of this band. Great, great album.


Follow the band on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thexdog/

The label: https://www.facebook.com/longwalkrecords/


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(gig report)EXPLOITED/ODPISANI/BAKTERIJE-Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor, Slovenija-27.04.2018.

Slovenija je uvijek prekrasno mjesto za održavanje punk hardcore koncerata i festivala, pa kada smo čuli da će se održati ovaj gig, nije bilo nikakvih dvojbi da odemo tamo u prekrasan grad Maribor.

Koncert je služio kao warm up za odličan festival Petroleum Beat koji će se za nekoliko tjedana održati u Petišovcima sa odličnim lineupom u dva dana. Put do Maribora u društvu prijatelja je brzo prošao unatoč malom gubljenju po putevima oko Ptuja, ali to valjda tako mora biti svaki put kada idemo u Maribor na gig. Dobro raspoloženje ništa nije moglo pokvariti i kada smo stigli u dvorište Pekarne ekipa je već dobro raspoložena kratila vrijeme do početka koncerta.

Kada je pao mrak, nekako je uskoro i počeo koncert pa su kao prvi večer otvorili čakovečki BAKTERIJE.


IMG_20180427_213729 – kopija (2)

Ne mogu kao što sam sto puta naveo do sada pisati nešto objektivno o njihovom nastupu, jer su mi dobri prijatelji, pa ću navesti samo da im je ovo bio jedan od boljih u nekoliko desetaka puta što sam ih do sada gledao i slušao uživo. Svoj 45-minutni set su otvorili sa “Kontejner spasa”, pa su nastavili preko starih hitova kao što su “Zaboravi me”, “Oi Oi”, “Kako da živimo”, pa onda opet malo sa drugog albuma “Dižem svoj glas”, “Leave me alone” i “Kad si mlad”. Odsvirali su i dvije odlične nove stvari sa predstojećeg novog albuma. Pred binom se situacija iz početne stidljivosti publike promijenila i polako se prostor ispred počeo lijepo popunjavati ljudima i pao je i neki stidljivi pogo i singalong. Vrijeme je brzo prolazilo i za kraj svog seta ostavili su “Živio punk” i uz pjevanje publike priveli sve kraju sa “Sam”.

Uslijedila je mala preinaka bine i nakon male pauze došlo je vrijeme da počnu svirati slovenski ODPISANI.


Ovaj bend sam prvi puta slušao i gledao 1996.na čakovečkom Tzscha open air festivalu i već tada sam ih zavolio. Sada, 22 godine kasnije, momci još uvijek piče svoj hardcore punk žešće i bolje no ikada. Svoj su set napunili sa stvarima iz raznih albuma, s naglaskom na zadnji “Šah Mat”, kao što su “Prleki v vesolju”, “Šah Mat”, ali i starim favoritima kao što je “Papež” i novi do sad ne studijski snimljen hit “Marsovci”.


Svoj set su završili uz sveopće pjevanje na stvar “Odpisani” i roknuli još “Be” na bis i to je bilo to. Uslijedila je preinaka bine kako bi headliner večeri mogao nastupiti, a ja nisam mogao da se ne upitam u kakvoj je formi Wattie, pošto smo ih prošle godine gledali na Petroleum Beat festivalu bez njega zbog zdravstvenih problema je ostao na liječenju u bolnici. No, sada je navodno sve okej i jako me zanimalo kako će sve to skupa izgledati večeras. Sada navodno živi zdravim životom i pazi na sebe, no svejedno se jako brzo vratio nastupima pošto nije prošla ni godina dana kako ga je srce izdalo ne jednom koncertu, mislim u Belgiji.

Došao je i taj trenutak i četvorka predvođena legendom Wattiem stupa na binu i kaos počinje.


Svi koji su ikada bili na Exploited koncertu znaju setlistu pa je nabrajanje nepotrebno jer su svirali sve hitove kao od kojih su meni nekako najbolje legli “Alternatives”, “Troops of tomorrow” i “Porno slut”. Wattie je dijelio mikrofon publici koja je pjevala sa njim, smijao se nekoliko puta, a Irish Rob na basu nije skidao osmijeh sa lica i vidjelo se koliko im ti gigovi i nastupi pred fanovima još uvijek puno znače nakon svih tih godina i nikada im nije dosta toga. Vrlo inspirativno za nas starkelje srednje dobi haha.


Nekako na pola seta Wattie se počeo opipavati za srce i tiskati si srce rukom i okretati tu i tamo leđa publici i otpuhivati, pa sam se malo zabrinuo da ga ne bi opet roknulo srce usred koncerta, no srećom to se nije dogodilo. Za vrijeme “Sex and violence” tradicionalno se bina ispunila ljudima iz publike koji su otpjevali ovu legendarnu stvar zajedno. Nakon po mojoj slobodnoj procjeni sat i dvadeset minuta koncert je završio i ljudi su zadovoljno nastavili zabavu do sitnih noćnih odnosno jutarnjih sati, a mi smo se umorni, ali sretni nakon dva odlična koncerta u Zagrebu, odnosno Mariboru uputili kući na odmor.


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