Labor's plan to deny franking credits to some self-funded retirees mean a couple with $1 million will end up with a ...

When $1m is worth less than $500,000

Labor's plan to deny franking credits to some self-funded retirees mean a couple with $1 million will end up with a smaller income than a couple with $500,000.

Voters' verdict: don't ditch Turnbull

The Coalition has closed on Labor – and possibly drawn even – in a poll which also finds a solid majority of voters opposes rolling Malcolm Turnbull.

Hempton joins the Blue Sky short

Legendary short seller John Hempton's controversial intervention in the dramatic hedge fund attack on Blue Sky is a timely reminder we have entered a new era of corporate governance.

For Harbour boss Linda Cook, a LNG veteran that built her formidable reputation over 29 years with global powerhouse ...

Santos in sights of 'first lady' of oil and gas

Little more than two years since it was brought to its knees by the oil price collapse, Santos has emerged as an unlikely sought-after prize to form the basis for a new global LNG powerhouse.

Murray says banks should stay in wealth

David Murray, the architect of CBA's push into wealth management 20 years ago, says the mooted retreat from the industry by several major banks is the wrong decision.

Deutsche plans to clarify chief executive officer John Cryan's future Sunday as Chairman Paul Achleitner faces pressure ...

Deutsche to review CEO future

Deutsche plans to clarify chief executive officer John Cryan's future Sunday as Chairman Paul Achleitner faces pressure from some key shareholders to change leadership.

The survey of analysts plotted an uneventful future for the Aussie: US77.00¢ in one-month, US78.00¢ in three months, ...

Aussie, Kiwi dollars seen resilient

​The Australian and New Zealand dollars are likely to stay resilient this year, a Reuters poll showed, even as fears of a global trade war spark wild gyrations in currency markets.


John Kehoe

Global economy risk as Trump turns on Xi

Donald Trump's outlandish gambit to order $US150b of Chinese goods to be potentially whacked with tariffs is perhaps the most serious risk to the world economy since the 2012 eurozone sovereign debt crisis.

Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull address the media at a doorstop interview ...

Turnbull is back in the game

The Coalition has closed on Labor – and possibly drawn even – in a poll which also finds a solid majority of voters opposes rolling Malcolm Turnbull.

China is 'the problem': Kudlow

Serious negotiations between the US and China to resolve their brewing trade dispute have "not really begun", said Larry Kudlow, head of the White House National Economic Council.

Trump scores China tariff own goals

The US president will score a policy own goal by lowering the costs of protectionism and increasing the trade deficit he wants to reduce.

Personal Finance

Allan Gyngell at Rubicon restaurant in Griffith, ACT, for Lunch with the AFR.

Why former top spy sees a silver lining in Trump

Allan Gyngell has been a player in Australian defence and geopolitics for 50 years and tells lunch with the AFR why the US president will make Australians think hard about their place in the world.

Abusive union official wins job back

Fair Work has reinstated a CFMEU official sacked for threatening co-workers over several hours after considering he acted "out of character".
