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What will Amazon's billion dollar Lord of The Rings be like?

Pop culture 2018년 4월 7일
According to reports, the studio is preparing to make a new series based on J.R.R. Tolkien's writing, and it will be the most expensive TV show of all time. Fans have been speculating on how it could turn out.

Amazon is moving forward with a five-season adaptation of that reports will be the "most expensive TV series ever."

답글 89개 리트윗 659개 1,289 마음

"The cost of Amazon's Lord of the Rings TV series has apparently increased to $1 billion"

답글 17개 리트윗 194개 790 마음

You guys understand the big problem with the Lord of the Rings show costing $1 billion, right? It can’t just be good. It has to be a SMASH. Like it has to be bigger than Thrones. Bigger than Breaking Bad. It has to be a cultural phenomenon and you can’t manufacture that.

답글 89개 리트윗 819개 3,679 마음

Hoping that the scriptwriters for the Lord of the Rings TV series are working out plot solutions that don't involve convenient eagles.

답글 57개 리트윗 269개 1,999 마음

5 series, billion dollar lord of the rings show where it's just boromir yelling "WHY DON'T THE EAGLES DROP THE RING IN MOUNT DOOM" for 30 hours

답글 35개 리트윗 664개 3,042 마음

I really don’t think we need a Lord of the Rings TV show. But if it’s a spinoff about this dude solving crimes in Hobbiton, I am all. The way. In.

답글 280개 리트윗 5,296개 23,619 마음

Lord of the Rings, s2e13: the elves of Lothlórien vote to exit Middle Earth 52% to 48%. The ring-bearer is denied entry into the Milk Wood and deported back to the Shire having failed his High Elvish exam. Saruman the White becomes leader of the Free World.

답글 22개 리트윗 479개 2,214 마음

New Amazon Lord of the Rings series will actually just be nine hours of Christopher Tolkien explaining his farther’s legendarium in exquisite detail. “It’s the only way the fans will be happy” the studio says.

답글 15개 리트윗 230개 1,283 마음
님에게 보내는 답글

Although I'm excited about the Amazon LOTR series 5 years means at least one episode of Tom Fucking Bombadil.

답글 28개 리트윗 204개 1,376 마음

The only actor reportedly signed so far for Amazon LOTR is Tony Blair as Elrond. Hey, give the man a chance to show what he can do.

답글 2개 리트윗 25개 235 마음

The new Amazon series better be a thirty hour prequel about Gimli titled ‘SON OF GLOIN’

답글 5개 리트윗 87개 664 마음

Just let Peter Jackson direct and produce LOTR and give him the best resources and time. It will be WORTH IT. And I’m gonna watch them all.

답글 14개 리트윗 94개 688 마음

Dear Amazon: please cast me as a sassy hobbit on the new Lord Of The Rings tv series who gets to say “Man, FUCK the Sackville-Baggins!!”

답글 6개 리트윗 94개 727 마음