Posts in: U.S.

“Battle in Seattle” Promises a New Era of Solidarity Against Free Trade Piracy

Summer/Autumn 2000

When representatives of the World Trade Organization swept into downtown Seattle at the end of November, they meant for their five-day Ministerial Round to entrench and expand “free trade” — the free ride of the biggest corporations at the expense of everyone else. Instead, the WTO meeting crashed and burned, thwarted by determined protesters in… Read more »

Dateline U.S.A. – LaRouche: Fascism Restyled for the New Millennium

Summer/Autumn 2003

Nine years out of prison, Lyndon LaRouche is once again campaigning to be U.S. president. But his influence reaches beyond the U.S.A. to Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Australia and elsewhere via electoral campaigns, speaking engagements, a host of well-funded organizations, and the media, including his own numerous publications and web sites. LaRouche writes… Read more »

War of Ideas – September 11, 2001: Feminist Perspectives Reviewed

Summer/Autumn 2003

Just weeks ago, travelling to the U.S., I had a dose of the “anti-terror” measures introduced as a result of the shocking events of 11 September 2001. From Melbourne onwards, each airport was effectively a military checkpoint. I particularly remember Honolulu, on the way home, where the only passengers pulled out of the line-up for… Read more »

Terminator Trio Defeated!

Winter/Spring 2006

The UN Convention on Biological Diversity met in Brazil last March. On the agenda was terminator, or gene sterilisation, technology. Three governments — Australia, Canada and New Zealand — were dubbed the “Terminator Trio” when they teamed up to try and overturn a global moratorium on terminator technology, which prevents farmers saving and reusing seeds…. Read more »

War on dissent: anti-terrorism laws must be defeated

Winter/Spring 2006

Fantasy becomes reality. The plot of the movie, Minority Report, was that crime was so out of control in a future world that people could be arrested as “pre-criminals.” Faheem Lohdi, a Pakistani-Australian and Muslim, is unjustly held in the psychological management unit at Goulburn jail. He had some maps, videos, DVDs and handwritten notes… Read more »

Kabul in Winter: the ravages of war and religious rule in Afghanistan

Summer/Autumn 2007

Kabul in Winter: Life without Peace in Afghanistan (Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 2006) hits hard in the gut while absorbing the mind. The book is a scathing indictment of U.S. policies that promoted the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, used the plight of Afghan women to justify an unjust war, and finally… Read more »

Military indoctrination: A factory for producing violence against women

Winter/Spring 2007

A long-ignored aspect of Washington’s war machine is now getting sporadic attention in the U.S. mainstream media. This is the explosion of violence against women, both in war zones and the military itself. The corporate media, however, is incapable of tracing this problem to its source: the character of imperialist military indoctrination. Gender-specific brutality is… Read more »