How and when are my Tweets not seen by everyone?

People can express themselves freely on Twitter as long as they do not violate our Twitter Rules and Twitter Terms of Service. Unless your Tweets are protected, any person on Twitter can see your Tweets.

We do not block, limit, or remove content based on an individual’s views or opinions. In some situations, your Tweet may not be seen by everyone, as outlined below:

  1. Abusive and spammy behavior. When abuse or manipulation of our service is reported or detected, we may take action to limit the reach of a person’s Tweets. Learn more about actions we take, including temporary and permanent account suspensions, and limiting account functionality.
  2. Tools and controls. We’ve developed controls — such as mute, block, and quality filter — that let people control what they see and who they interact with on Twitter. In those cases, the people who block or mute you will not see your Tweets. Learn more about these controls.
  3. Experiments. We are always working on improving the Twitter experience, including Home timeline, conversations, and search. While we test ways to limit or remove abuse on Twitter, certain Tweets may be limited in reach. Learn more about how we surface content that is most relevant to people.
  4. Legal issues. We may limit a Tweet’s reach if it violates an applicable law
  5. Technical limitations. At times, product bugs may prevent Tweets from being shown. Additionally, when there is an overwhelming volume of replies to a Tweet, our platform may be unable to show all replies. We use @TwitterSupport to notify the community when we experience any technical issue. Learn more.

For more information about specific instances when we may limit the reach of a Tweet, please see this Help Center page.

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