Our researchers develop evidence-based interventions, policies, practices, and technologies to promote positive population health outcomes using integrated, multi-disciplinary approaches.

Research topics in enabling healthy & active populations

Our research asks questions about how we can enable healthy and active populations. For example, how do we best develop systems, practices or technologies to reduce chronic disease in ‘at risk’ populations?

Our research uses integrated, multi-disciplinary approaches through topics such as:

  • cancer and inflammatory conditions including the molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis
  • enhancing and improving body image, mental and physical wellbeing across the lifespan
  • exercise regimes for chronic disease and mental health
  • food and nutritional sciences
  • fostering intercultural literacy and belonging among recent arrivals
  • improving health and physical activity in socially disadvantaged communities
  • innovative pedagogical approaches to prevent and minimise harm arising from social issues
  • interventions to prevent and reduce alcohol related violence
  • movement biomechanics and assistive technologies
  • muscle function and muscle wasting
  • psychological and social health and wellbeing.


This research focus area involves many high-profile collaborations with our partnership organisations, including:

  • Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science AIMSS
  • Defence Science and Technology Group
  • Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
  • National Ageing Research Institute
  • Orygen Youth Mental Health
  • Parkville Youth Justice Precinct
  • Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre
  • VicHealth, including Victorian Health Promotion
  • Western Health
  • YMCA Victoria.

Research support

This research is supported by the Institute of Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities and Institute for Sport, Health & Active Living. Additionally research is undertaken in the Western Centre for Health Research and Education (WCHRE), a teaching, training and research precinct for health students and researchers.

The work of researchers in this field is also built upon work previously carried out by our research centres and institutes prior to 2018:

Contact us

We are keen to engage with local, national and international research organisations, industries, communities and governments to undertake research that has a substantial and mutually beneficial impact.

Contact us to find out how you can work with us.

Email: research@vu.edu.au.