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Thu April 05, 2018
(The Raw Story)
Almost domestic terrorist in Minnesota vaporized while almost building bomb
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(Boing Boing)
YouTube shooter was a female Vegan Baha'i Fitness nut and animal rights activist. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
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(War is Boring)
Russia making progress developing modern, cutting edge tank designed to defeat 1980's era US tanks
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17-year-old pleads guilty to attacking school principal with spear. To be fair, a 1d6 versatile weapon is about the best you can get unless you take a martial weapons feat
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(Huffington Post)
As the trial of the shooter's widow revealed, pretty much EVERYTHING you read in the media about the Pulse nightclub shooting, the shooter's motives, and his personal life, was, to put it bluntly, "Fake news"
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(Fox 43 Pennsylvania)
Wind blows mobile home into creek. Creek now in therapy
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Missing CDC worker found down by the river
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(CBS 21 Harrisburg)
Man trying to kill insects with flames sets his house on fire
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(Hull Daily Mail)
"It's a dream I've had since I was a boy," says man who will attempt to wear 300 neckties at once
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"What are you in for?" "Murder. What about you?" "Grand theft auto. How about you?" "I robbed a Girl Scout"
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(News 13 Orlando)
NTSB spokesman claims it's "very uncommon" for an airplane's wing to fall off in flight. Well, I would hope so
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(Chicago Trib)
Good: Brand new $70M school in Chicago will accommodate about 1,200 students. Less good: The construction site includes 38,000 people buried in unmarked graves. Very less good: Among the dead are patients from the county's insane asylum
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Police officer claims he smells marijuana on man, uses that as excuse to put his hands down his pants. Something about this story just feels nuts
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Elderly New York City couple keeps getting parking tickets even though they don't own a car
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(WGNTV Chicago)
'Worst DUI offender in the country' arrested again trying to fill car with kerosene at gas station. She has six DUIs in six states, including nursing a child while driving drunk. Her 11 children have been taken away from her in Minnesota
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(New York Daily News)
NYPD adds shower heads to the list of items a black person cannot hold without being shot
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(Huffington Post)
"Kirkland Light: Available in 48-packs where you buy your pants"
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The Surgeon General wants you to know that only you can prevent opioid deaths. By, um, making sure you carry naloxone everywhere you go
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McDonald's Japan sends an unexpectedly body-positive message to people saying they should feel happy about their small and soft penises. Err... fries
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(My Northwest)
Now we see the real reason the government wants GPS trackers in cars: $10,000 per car per week in speeding ticket revenue
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(The Scottish Sun)
Most-swiped Tinder girl looks like one of The Sims
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(WNEP Scranton)
Crane needed to rescue goats after they wander from farm and somehow climb onto the underside of a highway bridge
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(Gannett Images)
Photoshop this ceremony
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(NBC New York)
Remember "The Office" episode when the Dunder Mifflin staff learn a good CPR tip is to do chest compressions to the beat of "Stayin' Alive?" Well, apparently it works. Even on squirrels
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Some Oklahoma teachers are finding the grass really is greener in Texas, and are packing up their shiny little surreys with the fringe on the top and sweepin' down the plains
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And now a story that will make all men wince in unison
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(Click Orlando)
Suspect decapitates man with a vacuum. That sucks
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(Herald Online)
Old white guy shocked by racist graffiti on his driveway, has cops take report. "It turned out to be my granddaughter's boyfriend, who is black, making an artistic statement"
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(Huffington Post)
Women describing themselves the way a male author would is spot on
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(News 3 Las Vegas)
Thunderbirds Are Stop
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A Navy chaplain has been relieved of his duties after a video is shown of him spreading the love, while at a bar
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I think this might explain Japan's low birth rate
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(KRTV Great Falls)
Montana residents given Easter eggs containing neo-Nazi leaflets, presumably from basket of deplorables
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(Daily Mail)
You can giggle, they can giggle but have you heard an elephant giggle? Warning, clip contains real giggles
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(Fox News)
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Theme of Farktography Contest No. 674: "Squares 3". Details and rules in first post. LGT next week's theme
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Wed April 04, 2018
Sad: 11-year-old girl's mother died two years ago. Sadder: Her dad didn't know what to do with her hair so he hacked it off. Cool: Now her bus driver styles her hair for her almost every day
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(Pravda Report)
Turkish President Erdogan steals Putin's girl in front of other people
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(The Atlantic)
Photoshop this thumbs up
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If you try to rob a food truck for the second time in one week, don't be surprised if the man inside decides to buy a gun and shoot back
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(Action News Jacksonville)
"Hey man, you can't keep your rabbits and birds in this apartment." "Fine, I'll just find the nearest trash compactor and hit the button"
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Man rescued from 80ft coastal blowhole. What your mom was doing at the beach in this old premise is anybody's guess
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(WFMZ Allentown)
Knives, scissors, lesbian twins, 69 news website. This story has it all
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Dead-ant. Dead-ant. Dead-ant, Dead-ant dead-ant dead-ant dead-ant. Pastor claims to have revived dead ant
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Goodbye, clean water: Since Scott Pruitt's attempt to rewrite the Clean Water Act was never going to withstand legal challenges, he found a way around that by deciding he will personally make ALL Clean Water Act determinations across the U.S.
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(Washington Post)
Facebook upgrades data scraping estimates to 2 billion. Seems low
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(Asahi Shimbun)
Strange sword found in debris of last year's California wildfires identified as belonging to samurai vintner who founded his own Sonoma County winery after relocating to USA. Don Pardo unavailable for comment
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(Page Six)
Rudy Giuliani has been sent divorce papers. He claims it is 50/50, meaning his wife will get 455.5
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Weather alert for the Vice City, Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas metro areas
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