Topic: Youth

Making Things Fairer For Young People Leaving Care

The Andrews Labor Government is developing Australia’s largest ever Social Impact Bond, forging a new path in support for young Victorians leaving care. Treasurer Tim Pallas and Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today launched the COMPASS Social Impact Bond, which will now call for investors to fund a program helping young people transition […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Gearing Up For The First Ever Victorian Youth Week

Young people will be celebrated and recognised with more than 100 activities across the state during the inaugural Victorian Youth Week in April. Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos today announced the successful grant recipients for Victorian Youth Week 2018, which will run from 13 to 22 April. It will be the first time the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Youth Affairs

Celebrating Victoria’s Valiant Volunteers

Equality advocate Riley Briese has been named the Premier’s Volunteer of the Year for his work supporting young transgender people in regional Victoria. The 20-year-old is helping change the landscape of care and support for transgender Victorians through the founding of his Gateway Health Gender Service, which provides information and referrals for children questioning their […]

Categories: Media Release, Premier

Protecting More Victorian Teens From Meningococcal

The Andrews Labor Government is extending a free meningococcal vaccination program so even more young Victorians can be protected against the deadly disease. This follows the inaction from the Turnbull Government which continues to shirk its responsibility leaving young people behind in the fight against this disease. Visiting Traralgon Secondary College, Minister for Health Jill […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health

Calling Victoria’s Future Parliamentarians

Young people across the state will be able to debate the important issues and experience what it’s like to lead parliamentary process by applying to participate in the 2018 Victorian Youth Parliament. The Andrews Labor Government is investing more than $100,000 to support this year’s Victorian Youth Parliament program, which encourages young people to participate, […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Youth Affairs

Skills And Support For Young Mums In Ballarat

The Andrews Labor Government is giving young mums in Ballarat hospitality skills and supporting them to continue their school education alongside their children. Through the Advance 2018 program, the Labor Government is providing nearly $10,000 to Yuille Park Community College’s Young Parents Program (YPP) to continue support for young mothers who are studying. Minister for […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Youth Affairs

Engaging! More Young People In Ballarat

Ballarat young people are getting more opportunities to participate in mentorships, art programs and other activities, through the Andrews Labor Government’s Engage! grants program. Four Ballarat-based organisations will share in $435,000 from the latest 2018-20 round of grants, which aim to empower and engage young people, including vulnerable youth, young people with a disability and […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Youth Affairs

More Support For LGBTIQ+ Youth

The Andrews Labor Government is getting behind new projects aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer young people. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today announced 12 organisations will share in more than $111,000 as part of the latest round of Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) grants. […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Equality, Minister for Mental Health

Being Prepared For Victoria’s Next Generation Of Scouts

The Andrews Labor Government is doing more to bolster Victoria’s scouting credentials, with funding to establish 12 new groups and encourage more participation from young culturally diverse people and those from regional areas. Scouts Victoria will receive $1 million over four years to broaden its network, with three new scouting sites to be set up […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Families and Children, Minister for Youth Affairs

Inspiring Young People To Join Victorian Youth Congress

Young people from across Victoria will make their voices heard as members of the first Victorian Youth Congress. At the induction of the Youth Congress, Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos said members would have opportunities to meet with Ministers in 2018 about issues that matter to them. Members of the Youth Congress are aged […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Youth Affairs