Category: Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Kangaroo Pet Food Trial Extended

Victoria’s kangaroo pet food trial has been extended for another year to provide greater certainty for the industry and provide time to assess the program over a longer period. The trial began 2014, to determine the effectiveness of pet food processing as a means to reduce waste of carcasses of kangaroos controlled under the Authority […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Certainty For Workers And The Future Of Our Forests

The Andrews Labor Government is modernising the state’s Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) to support jobs and improve the long-term management of Victoria’s forests. The Labor Government announced today that the East Gippsland, Central Highlands and North East RFAs will be extended until 2020, when the West Victoria RFA and Gippsland RFAs are due to expire. […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Premier’s Sustainability Awards 2018

Entries in the 2018 Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards – which recognise individuals, communities, organisations and businesses that are leading the way to a sustainable future – have been officially opened. The 2018 Premier’s Sustainability Awards categories are: Built Environment Community Education Environmental Justice Environmental Protection Government Health Innovative Products or Services Small and Medium Enterprises […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Delivering More Large-Scale Battery Storage For Victoria

The Andrews Labor Government will build two large-scale batteries – with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and leading energy companies – as part of the most sophisticated energy storage initiative in Australia. The Victorian Government’s energy storage initiative will be strategically located and will provide backup power and grid-stabilisation functions – vital to maintaining a […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Landfill Levy Waived For Bushfire Victims

The Andrews Labor Government has waived the landfill levy to help Victorians in the south west recover from bushfires. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Lily D’Ambrosio today announced that the EPA will work with local councils and landfill operators in the Colac-Otway, Corangamite, Moyne and Southern Grampians council areas to apply the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Pumped Hydro Study In Bendigo A Success

The Andrews Labor Government is calling for expressions of interest to investigate the viability of using pumped hydro to store electricity in Bendigo’s empty mineshafts. A pre-feasibility study co-funded by the Labor Government and City of Greater Bendigo has proven it’s technically feasible and economically viable to store renewable energy using Bendigo’s empty mineshafts. The […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Strengthening Partnerships With Environmental Volunteers

The Andrews Labor Government is strengthening partnerships and supporting local environmental volunteers through the Community Skills Development Grants. The grants provide an opportunity for groups and networks to access funding to support their planning, leadership and information-sharing to boost their ability to help protect our environment. Speaking at the Victorian Environment Friends Network – Yarra […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Ministers

Helping Protect Victoria’s Biodiversity

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting dozens of regional projects that will help protect Victoria’s rich biodiversity. Minister for Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio today announced $4.7 million for 67 new targeted, projects that will help regional agencies and government partners work together to improve biodiversity. The projects are funded through the Labor Government’s […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

Delivering A Fairer And More Affordable Energy Market

Energy retailers need to make it easier to find a better electricity deal by publishing their best offer on bills as part of new changes announced today by the Andrews Labor Government. The Essential Services Commission (ESC) will also monitor and regularly report on the competitiveness of Victoria’s energy retail market. The changes are part […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change

World-Class Bike Trail Opens In Harcourt

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering new world-class bike trails in regional Victoria with the opening of the La Larr Ba Guawa Park in Harcourt – just in time for the Labour Day long weekend. Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford joined Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio and Member for Bendigo […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Regional Development