Category: Minister for Education

Prahran High School Gets First Principal

The inaugural principal has been appointed to lead Prahran High School in Melbourne’s booming inner suburbs. Acing Minister for Education Gayle Tierney has announced Nathan Chisholm as the principal of the new Prahran High School. Mr Chisholm will take up the reins of Prahran High School from the start of Term 2, 2018. He joins […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Lower Power Bills For Schools In Victoria

One hundred Victorian government schools will take part in the Greener Government School Buildings Pilot Program creating lower energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions. The Andrews Labor Government program supports schools to introduce cost saving measures such as solar energy systems and lighting upgrades, and helps them be more efficient by running energy audits. This […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

More Support For Swimming Lessons

Schools across the state will receive more support for swimming lessons as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s plan to keep Victorian children safe around water. Schools will share in an additional $9.8 million to help contribute to the cost of swimming lessons over the next two years, increasing the support provided to each Year 6 […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Strengthening Child Safety To Protect Our Students

The Andrews Labor Government will overhaul Victoria’s teacher registration system to ensure the Victorian Institute of Teaching considers child safety when assessing whether teachers are suitable to teach. Minister for Education James Merlino today welcomed the report of an independent review into Victoria’s teacher regulator, which examined the management, operations and governance of the Victorian […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Building The Education State In Ashwood

Ashwood families now have the new state-of-the-art secondary school they deserve after the revamped Ashwood High School opened today. Minister for Education James Merlino officially opened the new facilities this afternoon, including an upgraded performing arts hall, a learning centre designed for senior students and a tiered, outdoor amphitheatre complete with audio and lighting hardware. […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Chelsea Heights Primary Unveils Inclusive Spaces

Chelsea Heights students have access to sensory gardens and outdoor learning areas to support students with disabilities and special needs thanks to the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Education James Merlino and Member for Mordialloc Tim Richardson today visited Chelsea Heights Primary School to officially open its $400,000 upgrade to the June Elliot Centre. Previously […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Tech Fest To Showcase Victoria’s Tech Schools

Interactive art installations, investigating technology in sport, and building a robot from electronic and 3D printed parts are just some of the highlights of this year’s exciting Tech Fest. Celebrating all things, science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), from March 19 to April 8, Tech Fest will give students, teachers and families the opportunity to […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Headspace On Board For Schools Anti-Bullying Package

Australia’s leading youth mental health organisation, headspace, will deliver new targeted mental health programs for Victorian government schools as part of a new partnership with the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Education James Merlino today announced headspace will deliver the $4.48 million mental health components of the Government’s Victorian Anti-Bullying and Mental Health Initiative, including […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

State-Of-The Art Upgrade For Bonbeach Primary

Students in Bonbeach will have the new state-of-the-art classrooms and facilities they deserve, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Education James Merlino today announced Bonbeach Primary School will receive $6.3 million for the construction of a brand new main school building. It will replace the existing hall and main building and provide the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education

Fixing The Imbalance In Select Entry Schools

The Andrews Labor Government is reviewing select entry schooling to ensure girls and boys have equal access to  select entry schools. Last year, there were nearly 500 more boys in select entry schools than girls. That’s not good enough which is why the Labor Government is investing $500,000 to start addressing this imbalance. The funding […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Education