Youth drawn into horticulture as club approaches a milestone

IN BLOOM: Helen Fuge, Kathryn Giddy and Lucinda Jones prepare for the Rutherglen Garden Club's flower show. Picture: JAMES WILTSHIRE
IN BLOOM: Helen Fuge, Kathryn Giddy and Lucinda Jones prepare for the Rutherglen Garden Club's flower show. Picture: JAMES WILTSHIRE

The Rutherglen and District Garden Club is quite different to the norm.

At their annual show on Sunday, there will be few handwritten labels on tables – operations are run through a computer system designed by secretary Gillian Robson.

“Our show schedule tends to be a bit different,” Ms Robson said.

“We’ve tried to make sure we have something from each of the sections that is open purely for young people, to encourage them to have a go.

“There’s one young bloke who was a first-time exhibitor last year, is a very keen gardener, and he absolutely cleaned up.

“We don’t want to have that generational gap – we need to bring youth in or else you wind up with a club getting older and no one coming in behind them.”

The club’s focus on attracting participants aged 18 and under is hoped to sustain it into the future.

Celebrating 30 years in 2019, Ms Robson said participation remained strong, with about 400 entries in the Autumn flower show in recent years.

Show co-ordinator Kathryn Giddy said they encouraged new entrants.

“It’s a teaching show, and we’re always learning things too,” she said.

“We have a training table, largely to showcase what the locals are growing, what’s possible to grow up here and then some.

“We’re looking forward to seeing some good roses, we usually have stalwarts who come along and vie for the Autumn Rose Championship and the medal from the Victorian Rose Society.” 

  • The show will run 12pm to 4pm on Sunday at the Rutherglen Memorial Hall. Entries to