Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Duela 3 minutu

    Had such a good time , this little one makes me smile and proud each day. ⚽️

  2. Duela 4 minutu

    This is what life is like for a HS prospect. Look at the scouts watching every move the players make

  3. Duela 4 minutu
    Replying to

    tactics according to Pelosi: 1) charm; 2) bully; 3) walk away; 4) sues you. "That's not how a democracy works." LOL!!! Really?

  4. Duela 4 ordu

    Crosby now has 56 multipoint gms in the postseason(147gp). So he's had multipoint efforts in more than a 1/3rd of his playoff gms

  5. Duela 4 ordu
  6. Duela 11 ordu
  7. eka. 8

    In Cleveland with , watch us pull up...

  8. eka. 6

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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