Sustainable Development Goals

What are the proposed Global Goals?










At the end of 2014, the UN Secretary General presented the synthesis report “The road to dignity by 2030” covering all the processes and reports related to post-2015, including the UN consultations.

UNDP and the SDGs


What is UNDP's role with the SDGs?




Over the past three years, UNDP and the UN Development Group (UNDG) have been facilitating an unprecedented global conversation. This has connected with a diverse set of stakeholders, including vulnerable groups, women, young people, people with disabilities and the private sector, as well as all levels of the government.

The global conversation in numbers:

The key messages from the two reports ‘A Million Voices’ and ‘Delivering the Post-2015 Development Agenda,’ which summarize the findings from the global conversation, are clear: People want to be a part of delivering this new agenda, and to hold governments and businesses accountable for their promises and commitments. People stressed the importance of participation, inclusion, as well as strengthened capacities and partnerships.



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