Membership 2017

By joining the Rationalist Society of Australia, you support us in our work and show a commitment to the principles we promote. Support from our members allows us to continue our important campaigning work, as well as represent a growing constituency in Australia.


What do I get with my RSA membership?

Membership entitles you to:

  • The chance to become involved in our campaigns and projects, at times collaborating with like-minded organisations
  • Regular RSA publications:
    • the quarterly Australian Rationalist journal, delivered in hard copy to your home address
    • RSA Daily, a highly popular daily curated feed of news items from Australia and abroad
    • periodic email updates about our work, and events of interest.
  • Discount rates at RSA events with international and Australian speakers (depending on event).
  • A voice in the organisation: the right to nominate for the Committee of Management and to vote at the AGM on campaign directions.
  • PLUS the satisfaction of knowing your support enables the RSA to continue its work in raising public awareness about rationalism and advocating for public policy change in favour of science and evidence.

If you agree with the Rules of the Rationalist Society of Australia (see here), you can become a member.

To join

To join, simply choose from one of the membership options below, which will take you through the joining process.

Please note: our strong preference is for you to use online payment by clicking on one of the buttons below. Online payment is fast, secure and saves a heap of volunteer time and effort, so please do consider!

However, if you wish to pay via cheque or bank transfer, please download and complete this Application Form. Details of where to send a cheque or do a bank transfer are on the form.

To renew

In order to renew, you will first need to LOGIN using the button at the top of the page, then return to the membership options below. Please note: if you do not first LOGIN, you will be asked to enter all your details as if you were a new member. Very annoying!

To login, just use your email address as your username. If you've forgotten your password, click on "Lost your password?" and a new one will be sent to you.

Our strong preference is for you to use online payment by clicking on one of the buttons below. Online payment is fast, secure and saves a heap of volunteer time and effort, so please do consider!

However, if you wish to pay via cheque or bank transfer, please download and complete this Renewal Form. Details of where to send a cheque or do a bank transfer are on the form.


Single Membership ($60)

Single Concession Membership (for students or healthcard holders) ($45)

 Couples Membership ($80)

 Couples Concession Membership ($65)



I want to renew my existing membership.

No problem – just LOGIN using the button at the top of the page, and then come back to this page to choose your renewal option. Remember, to renew you MUST login first!

Can we join as a couple?

Yes! We have an option of joining as either a Couple or a Concession Couple. Each individual is a member of the Rationalist Society, but couples will receive only one copy of our mailings between them. Choose the appropriate option when joining.

Can I join over the phone?

At the moment we don’t have the ability to join members over the phone, but you can join via this website, via email or via post, and using either credit card, PayPal, bank transfer or cheque.

Can I join/renew by cheque?

Yes! Please post, along with your completed Application Form (for new members) or Renewal Form (for renewing members) to:

The Secretary,

PO Box 1312,

Hawksburn 3142,

Victoria, Australia.

Can I join/renew by bank transfer?

Yes! Please transfer funds electronically to: RSA Admin, BSB 313-140, Account 1200 2918

Remember to send us your completed Application Form (for new members) or Renewal Form (for renewing members) via email, or post to:

The Secretary,

PO Box 1312,

Hawksburn 3142,

Victoria, Australia.

Can I buy someone membership as a gift?

Yes! Please fill out our membership, ticking “GIFT”, and post it with an accompanying cheque to: The Secretary, PO Box 1312, Hawksburn 3142, Victoria, Australia.

You can also transfer the membership fee electronically, and simply post or email the membership form.

Can I add a donation to the Rationalist Society ?

Yes, and thank you! You can either add a donation when joining/renewing, or you can donate separately, by using the Donate button at the top of this page. You can also donate via cheque or bank transfer. Thank you!

What are the Rules of the Rationalist Society of Australia?

All members must agree with the Rules of the Rationalist Society of Australia, which can be found here.

I don't live in Australia. Can I still receive the journal?

Yes! We welcome international members. However owing to the cost of sending the journal overseas we will need to charge you a slightly higher annual fee ($80 for single membership; $65 for single concession) to cover the costs of postage. Send an email to for more details.