
Let Ayaan Hirsi Ali speak on Islam

Attempts are being made to stop Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali airing her views critical of Islam in Australia. As...

Meredith Doig

21 March 2017

Church-State separation

It’s Advance Australia Fair, Not Fair-Skinned

Best enjoy the light and colour that diversity transmits. Source: HuffPo: It's Advance Australia Fair, Not Fair-Skinned A hand-written sign...

Chris Fotinopoulos

23 January 2017

Fearing men in schools will do more harm than good

Fearing men in schools will do more harm than good

RSA board member Chris Fotinopoulos urges our finest, gifted men to enter teaching. "Our boys need you more than...

Chris Fotinopoulos

05 September 2016

Ancient Philosophy for Modern Life

Ancient Philosophy for Modern Life

Philosophy lessons of the ancients relevant to our globalised, information age. Source: Five Books: Jules Evans recommends the best...

Meredith Doig

30 August 2016

Let Them Stay

Let Them Stay

9 February 2016   The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600   Dear Prime Minister As...

Jonathan Meddings

09 February 2016

“The Process” – a new play about asylum-seeker processing

“The Process” – a new play about asylum-seeker processing

Among other things, RSA's President Emeritus Ian Robinson is a philosopher and playwright, and his new play, The Process, is...

Meredith Doig

23 August 2015

Want to try practical philosophy for a week? Try out the New Stoicism.

Want to try practical philosophy for a week? Try out the New Stoicism.

The fastest growing trend in applied philosophy might just be "New Stoicism".  What is this?  New Stoicism is based on...

Meredith Doig

04 November 2014

Presentation: The History of Ethics

Presentation: The History of Ethics

On 21 August 2014, RSA President Dr Meredith Doig made a presentation to the Central Victorian Atheists and Freethinkers...

Meredith Doig

21 August 2014