The Resurrection of Jesus: Explaining the Historical Facts

The Resurrection of Jesus: Explaining the Historical Facts

Christianity stands or falls on the historical events surrounding the first Easter. If there was no resurrection then the...

James Fodor

19 March 2016

Faith that is not justified?

Faith that is not justified?

Are our daily lives filled with faith that may be unjustified, as asserted by Barney Zwartz, Senior Fellow with...

Ian Robinson

07 April 2015

The truth about Jesus

The truth about Jesus

Sifting through what little evidence there is about the origins of Christianity... The truth about Jesus is that we...

Ian Robinson

10 December 2014

Atheistic Morality

Atheistic Morality

During August 2014, Oxford Professor of mathematics John Lennox delivered a series of lectures in Australia on “Science and Faith...

James Fodor

17 November 2014

Proving Jesus didn’t exist is a logical fallacy

Proving Jesus didn’t exist is a logical fallacy

By Brian Morris, Director of Plain Reason WITH new credible evidence that Christianity's founder was at best an ordinary Judean,...

Brian Morris

29 October 2014

The Evils of Atheism

The Evils of Atheism

During August 2014, Oxford Professor of mathematics John Lennox delivered a series of lectures in Australia on "Science and Faith...

James Fodor

11 October 2014

Christian Contributions to Society

Christian Contributions to Society

During August 2014, Oxford Professor of mathematics John Lennox delivered a series of lectures in Australia on "Science and Faith...

James Fodor

28 September 2014

The Rational Intelligibility of the Universe

The Rational Intelligibility of the Universe

During August 2014, Oxford Professor of mathematics John Lennox delivered a series of lectures in Australia on "Science and Faith...

James Fodor

02 September 2014